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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Using Ice To Chill Wort

    my process is just if I plan to brew on a saturday I'll boil up maybe 5 litres of water and freeze it. Then on brewday after I've done the main boil say 15 litres depending on the recipe I'll chuck in the big iceblocks, wait for them to melt then top up the rest with boiled + cooled water. Still...
  2. M

    Everyone Should Also Make This

    should be called 'Neil's Controversial Ale'. Think I might have to make it just because of the conundrum it's caused.
  3. M

    Anyone Tried The Coles Brand Goo?

    With all the deals going around recently I've found that coopers kits etc are just about on par with homebrand anyway (might have just been lucky), saw a few kits were on sale at kmart the other day all <$10 but only ginger beer was left. BigW also is worth keeping an eye on but stocks seem to...
  4. M

    Jsba(ish) Recipe Critique

    sounds good - i can save the rest for the next brew and cut this one down to 250g each oh yeh also forgot to mention boil volume is 15 litres
  5. M

    Jsba(ish) Recipe Critique

    Hey all just putting together an extract recipe based (loosely) on Tony's LCBA recipe in the database ( but I've substituted the hops for what I've got on hand. 2x Coopers Light LME Tins (3kg) 500g Carapils...
  6. M

    Primary And Secondary Fermentation Before Bottling. Why?

    I just started using a secondary recently, my logic was -wanted to try dry hopping -figured I could beef up production a bit ie went from say 4 weeks in primary to maybe 2-3 weeks in primary then the same in secondary, so a new batch every 2-3 weeks but with 6 weeks behind the beer before it...
  7. M

    Yeast Starter For Dried Yeast

    sweet as guys cheers - the vote goes for no starter (unless beer is stalled)
  8. M

    Yeast Starter For Dried Yeast

    Hey all - I've been doing some research on making a yeast starter (liquid yeast is one of the things next on my list to move up to). For the moment I've still got quite a few packets of dried yeast from my last Craftbrewer order. I understand that liquid yeast requires a yeast starter because...
  9. M

    Tips For Beginners In Drinking: How To Choose The Best Beer

    I think the path almost everyone follows is 1. Buy **** beers 2. Slowly start buying good beers 3. Become a beer nerd and shun all their friends who drink megaswill (last step optional) I can remember a time (would have been 17) when I would have said Carlton Cold was my favourite beer, we...
  10. M

    Basic Priming / Secondary Fermentation Question

    aahh i get it - probably those little yeasties are alot tougher then what i was giving them credit for cheers guys thanks for your time
  11. M

    English Bitter

    Check it out I just picked up a can of this for $3!!!!! from Coles, looked like everything else had seriously cleared out because all they had was the English Bitter, couple cans of Ginger Beer + Ciders, and a packet of bottle caps (**** just realised I needed too buy a pack of bottle caps)
  12. M

    Basic Priming / Secondary Fermentation Question

    Hey all just got a question which is almost too embarrasing to ask but I figure if I can get my head around everything then surely that is the key to making better beer. I've just purchased another fermenter to act as a secondary and have a beer racked into it at the moment. It was in primary...
  13. M

    Coopers Ginger Beer $5 At Coles

    Hey all - had a browse through the brewing section of Coles the other day to check out this big clearance I've been hearing about. They didn't really have much other deals but tins of Coopers Ginger Ale and (I think) Brigalow Cider were half price at about $5 each. i figure I'll put the ginger...
  14. M

    Kit And Extract Beer Spreadsheet

    Hi there First out this spreadsheet is a work of art - trully it has been one of the best tools for me to learn 'how everything fits together'. My next brewing milestone I think will be trying a partial mash, I've been reading up a few articles on it. Will the spreadsheet work the same for...
  15. M

    Hops Utilisation

    sweet as, I think i'll have the method down better for next time. I'm sure this brew will be fine (I did a quick recalc in beer spreadsheet @ 80% of original volume of hops and it IBU came up a little low, so I just changed the 'beer style' until it suited everything came up green :) )
  16. M

    Hops Utilisation

    hi all - just did my first extract brew recently: 1.5kg amber LME 1.5 kg pale DME 150g crystal 45g goldings @ 60 mins 12g fuggles @ 15 mins s04 yeast 23 ltr batch total in about 15 ltr boil i have just now realised that the wort should be @ 1040 during the hop boiling period (read through a few...
  17. M

    Hard Lemonade Brewing

    Hey just giving some feedback on my lemonade experiment in case anyone's interested. Gooniness has definitely settled down after a few weeks. The taste is a bit hard to describe, there's definitely no commerial equivalent. I primed with 200g dextrose for a 23 ltr batch with the intention that...
  18. M

    First 'real' Lager - Review

    wierd - my situation is almost the same - 3rd brew and i've done a similar recipe Blue Mountain Lager BE1 Hallertau hops (prepped same as above) s-23 Lager yeast 200g dextrose measured OG a bit over 1040 after a 2 weeks my yeast seemed to stall so I pitched the kit yeast as well and gave it a...
  19. M

    Brewing A Stout With Lager Yeast

    i know what you mean hey, i'm in perth and a few weeks back my brew was sitting on 12 deg when i checked before and after work (maybe crep higher during the day), even now it's sitting at 15-16 so i ended up doing a lager just for that reason