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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Qabc 2011 Results

    Has anyone recieved the feedback/results sheets? If so, email or post? Was hoping to see them before sending down beers to Adelaide.
  2. M

    Qabc 2011 Results

    Does this mean if Ross finished in the top 3, then 4th place now gets a 3rd??
  3. M

    Bitter Suite

    Went down to Bitter Suite this afternnon. Great place to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon in the sun. Got to talk to Wade (Four Hearts Brewer), good guy and his Pale Ale is worth a go too. Would recommend both the bar and the beer. Will be back again soon.
  4. M

    RecipeDB - Landlord Tribute

    How do you caramelise the wort? Just boil the b0ll0cks off it??
  5. M

    Frozen Beer In Fermenter Whilst Lagering

    That's good to know. Will be interesting to sample the beer, could turn out to be a great beer!
  6. M

    Frozen Beer In Fermenter Whilst Lagering

    Hi all, I have just bottled my first lager, an Oktoberfest style. It's been lagering in a fridge for the past 4 weeks. I would have like to have lagered longer but have to go overseas and wanted to bottle before I do. Anyway, yesterday I came to bottling and noticed that a lot of the beer had...
  7. M

    Cold Crashing Bottling

    Just on that note, does anyone know how do bottles get poured when judging? Will the entire bottle get poured out, or do the stewards pour most of the beer leaving the last bit in the bottle?
  8. M

    Safale S-04

    What do people brew with Safale S-04? I am using up some old bits and pieces and have a sachet of S-04 to use. Was thinking about an English IPA. Just curious what other people use this yeast for and if anyone has used it for an English IPA.
  9. M

    Yeppoon Village Festival Homebrew Comp Results

    Anyone recieved their certifcates/feedback forms yet?
  10. M

    Drnking While Brewing

    How long was you asleep for?
  11. M

    Dry Hopping - How Long

    I'm brewing a Best Bitter and dry hopping with Goldings. They'll be in the fermentor for 14 days or so.
  12. M

    Dry Hopping - How Long

    Evening all, Maybe a stupid, irrelevant question but still going to ask it..... I have not dry hopped before, but am planning on brewing this weekend and dry hopping. My question is this, is there a max or optimum length of time you leave the hops in the fermentor when dry hopping? The reason...
  13. M

    Urgent Help Needed!

    Will be bottling myself this weekend so no tallies free, but will have approx 30 stubbies if you find yourself passing through Brisbane.
  14. M

    Homebrew Competition

    Anyone know the results?
  15. M

    Homebrew Competition

    would an Irish Red ale be considered a class 2 Dark Beer, or class 3 ales?
  16. M

    What Malt For A Dunkelweizen?

    Cheers Manticle, exactly the kind of info I was looking for.
  17. M

    What Malt For A Dunkelweizen?

    So assuming that is pale wheat malt.....
  18. M

    What Malt For A Dunkelweizen?

    Hello All, I have made a few pretty decent Weizens using 50% Weyermann's Pale Wheat Malt and 50% Pilsener malt, and now I want to attempt a Dunkelweizen. I am unsure about what malt to use, and therefore wanting some advice. My questions below: Would you still use Pilsener malt or substitute...
  19. M

    Electronic Scales That I Just Bought From Ebay

    Can't go wrong there, just bought myself one.
  20. M

    Home Brew Supplies From Usa

    Slightly off the topic....... I am currently sitting in Boston airport. Been here with work all week. Managed to visit a few microbrewery bars in the evening. Some good, some not so good. Had the day off today and went to the Sam Adams and Harpoon brewery tours. Would highly recommend doing...