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  1. fergi

    Need Quick Answer On Mash Time

    ok thanks guys. fergi
  2. fergi

    Need Quick Answer On Mash Time

    guys i started my 60 minute mash but forgot to start timer, does a 5 or 10 min mash time over or under make a difference, is it better to be over 60 minute mash or under. making screwys red ale. fergi
  3. fergi

    March Pump Option

    read the link kev, answers are not what i wanted to hear but thanks for the info. cheers fergi
  4. fergi

    March Pump Option

  5. fergi

    March Pump Option

    i am just wondering about an option for a march pump . my neighbour is a retired electrical engineer, i was over there today just chatting and mentioned that i am going to update my AG system ,which only does single batches. i happened to say that i might look at putting a march pump in for...
  6. fergi

    Fermenting Fridge Controls

    i use an old water bed heater with a control box that comes with the heater pad, goes from 1 to 10 ,i usually have it on 1 or 2 depending how cold the winter is. fergi
  7. fergi

    70 Litre Ss Beerbelly Kettle As New

    hi, whats the benefit of the temp gauge if its a you use it for a hlt as well/ fergi
  8. fergi

    53 Liter Mash Tun/esky

    thanks for replies there guys, good to know it will do double batches, i thought doing single batches would be fine but mates from my golf club like my beer so i need to make it quicker now. fergi
  9. fergi

    Ag System And Other Equipment For Sale (s.a)

    how many liters will the 3 ring burner boil BYB. fergi
  10. fergi

    53 Liter Mash Tun/esky

    i have decided to upgrade my AG setup so i can brew double batches, i originally put together a small system to try AG to see if it was worth the extra work. well now since i have been doing my AG brews i definitely wont go back to K&K, NOTHING AGAINST k&K i made some nice brews but after...
  11. fergi

    Frozen Keg Beer Will It Gas Up

    a mate of mine had a problem with his keg fridge, the thermostat packed up and froze his kegs. after defrosting the kegs he is finding that the two kegs will not take up any gas, this has been 3 weeks now and not a bubble of gas, completely flat beer. the kegs are full, the gas tank is full...
  12. fergi

    Ag System And Other Equipment For Sale (s.a)

    just wondering if this setup can do double batches. fergi
  13. fergi

    Advise Pls: First Liquid Yeast

    nick do you think starting with a warm temp gives you any off flavours, this is how i seem to do all my brews now, even ales, a bit warmer 20/22 until they start then down to 17/18. havent noticed any off,s but still not sure on this method. fergi
  14. fergi

    Beer Not Gassing After 2 Weeks In Keg

    i guess its hard to know if its correct tony but it has carbed up all his previous brews, when we release the valve on top of the keg it has a good rush of gas and you can hear the new gas running into the kegs. is there a way of checking the pressure. fergi
  15. fergi

    Beer Not Gassing After 2 Weeks In Keg

    hi guys, my mate has a problem with his keg system, he has two kegs in his beer fridge which have been in there for about 3 weeks, about two weeks ago he had the thermostat jam and it froze his kegs,he defrosted the kegs over a couple of days and hooked it all back up but after 2 weeks there...
  16. fergi

    Wanted Empty Elgas 45kg Gas Bottle.adelaide.

    hi don, if you get rid of your origin bottle i think they will still charge you for the rental each year, they tried it on me after i sent the bottle back to them but they stuffed up the return. i got it sorted out but was a PITA. fergi
  17. fergi

    Free: Upright Freezer Pick Up Melbourne

    t that freezer can still be used as a fermenting fridge. i have the same one in my shed, all i did was to bend the top shelve upwards enough to allow a 30 liter fermenter to sit on the middle shelf. just bend the top shelf upwards from the left hand side, gently, a bit at a time.will...
  18. fergi

    How Much Did You Brew In 2011?

    just checked my brewing records for the year. i have brewed 20 x 21 liter batches.some were k&k then i got into ag, so about 400 liters, feels like i made more than that . fergi