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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Stagger

    Substitutes For Victory And Special Roast

    David Cryer Said this American Victory Malt 25 lovibond, Briess Malting A specialty grain used for its warm toasted character, mostly employed in English ales. Gives beer a slight red/amber tint when used in small amounts. It will improve body and head retention. Also check out...
  2. Stagger

    Stainless Fermenter

    I don't have a pic, however it's a piece of piss, get a stainless nipple and weld or have some one weld (tig only) on the side of the fermenter. The lid the same as Paul's Pic. Craig
  3. Stagger

    Stainless Fermenter

    I have used for years, cut a hole in the top i cover mine with a PVC cover that is a loose fit in the hole i guess you could call it open fermentation. weld a tap above the dish which makes a perfect yeast collector, easy to clean easy to use. Stagger
  4. Stagger

    Australian Amateur Brewing Championship 2007

    For what it is worth, I was lucky enough to win Champion Brewer for the second year in a row and my good friend Dan won BOS as well, yes the comp had some problems however according to one of the judges from Canberra Ross Mitchell the quality was very high. Lets just move on and look forward to...
  5. Stagger

    Congratulations To Aabc Place Getters

    Yes Cougar 2 years in a row I am very happy brewer, Dan and I make a good team winning Champion brewer and BOS both years, a point mate need to try a little harder :D Thank to all the people involved especially the judges who travelled interstate to judge. Congrats to everyone that made it...
  6. Stagger

    Cutting Down A 19 Litre Post Mix Keg For Party Keg?

    I have done this many times, I have used 3mm S/S for the bottom and welded it on a rotary table. Just make sure you get someone that can weld to do it could be expensive. Stagger
  7. Stagger

    Wig & Pen's Russian Imperial Stout

    RIS is selling very well so get in if you are going. Stagger
  8. Stagger

    Wig & Pen's Russian Imperial Stout

    I was in at the Wig & Pen lunchtime yesterday having a beer with Richard the head brewer and the Russian imperial stout has just come on tap. I think this is even better than last years at 11% it is very drinkable Stagger
  9. Stagger

    Ag Demo / Lessons

    At the Canberra brewers we regularly have brew demos at members houses. If you arranged a time you would be welcome at any members house, we have a number of exceptional brewers here, it would be well worth the drive, and of cause we have the WIG & PEN for after.
  10. Stagger

    My Visit To The Wig & Pen

    bconnery what time are you getting to the Wig
  11. Stagger

    My Visit To The Wig & Pen

    I was just working away and remembered that the Wig and Pen will be closed this coming Saturday due to a function. You might need to ring to double check but I am 99.999999% sure. Stagger
  12. Stagger

    Beer Labels And Logos

    Thanks again Franko, If any AHB members are in Canberra this weekend Richard from the Wig & Pen is brewing my recipe in the pub and it's a open brew day. I have arranged the brew day through the Canberra Brewers but if your in Canberra Richard will be running tastings and of cause the brew...
  13. Stagger

    Beer Labels And Logos

    Na Ross it is in the locked safe deep in the Stagger inn. I dont post many recipes as I am not too good on computers. It is a lovely beer and one I seem to nail every time, I will have a play and see if I can post it. Stagger
  14. Stagger

    Show Us Your Sparge Arm

    In my old setup I use a shower head but it was just a normal one, worked a treat. Stagger
  15. Stagger

    eBay Items III

    I have one of these and thay work just great, i run my beer through twice. Stagger AND
  16. Stagger

    eBay Items III

    Cold plate Queanbeyan NSW Cheap
  17. Stagger

    Kit Beer Bos At The Nationals

    Hay Hargi no more hair jokes you cheeky bugger :P
  18. Stagger

    Kit Beer Bos At The Nationals

    "For f*&cks sake, Stagger was only congratulating a fellow brewer that managed to score BOS...end of story." Thanks Steve Guys relax and have a home brew, brewing is fun but not when this happens. Only time arguments happen is when others read more into posts than they should. I think...
  19. Stagger

    Kit Beer Bos At The Nationals

    Spot on!! As i said i think it's great. :beerbang: Stagger
  20. Stagger

    Kit Beer Bos At The Nationals

    He told me it was 3 kits in 20L of water. Stagger