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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. R

    Easter Show And The Carlton Academy

    Anyone been to the CUB beer-pouring session? I didn't make it though it promised to provide the best technique for pouring a beer from a tap. cheers reg
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    I've Been Skimming Yeast

    After reading a bit about the possible benefits of yeast skimming (ie skimming the bitter dark stuff that is brought up by the yeast during fermentation), I've been giving it a go - can't report on taste benefits yet but it certainly brightens up the old yeast cake. cheers reg
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    Winter Brewing

    Lightbulbs sound like a good idea - was also interested to read the posting on CBD - ie insulating the fermenter to use heat generated by yeast activity to keep warm overnight. I love this time of year - my bung fridge needs less ice for lagering and the ales can be set free (ie don't need to...
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    Easter Brewing

    It was a bit of a brewing bonanza over easter. Apart from my home-roasted brown malt porter I brewed a chocolate ale (Weyermann pilsener and Baird's pale chocolate - horizon for bittering) and a lager (3/4 hoepfner munich, 1/4 IMC pilsener, horizon for bittering, saaz for flavour and I'd say...
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    Jovial Monk Hbs/full Mash Demo

    I think it's great that homebrew stores organise these sorts of events - gives some publicity to the retailer and helps share experience. cheers reg
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    Easter Brewing

    I roasted some pale malt yesterday evening and am brewing an ale today. It was to be a porter but I don't think that my oven did the job - anyway I'll be very interested to see how this one turns out - the place was filled with a wonderful aroma. I'm also thinking of a lager - maybe mixing...
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    New Brewer. Poor Head Retention

    When I initially started brewing using coopers kits + kg cane sugar I found I had very poor head retention - fizzy as blazes but the bubbles would race to the top and the head was very very thin. This is probably beside the point as I brew from grain- - however I've recently found that the head...
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    Big Weekend @ Picton

    Yes it's a lovely old pub - I've only been once some years ago - remember being impressed by the brewing vessels and the steak. cheers reg
  9. R

    Why Did You Start Homebrewing?

    I started brewing in the 1980's - must have seen kits at the supermarket. I knew nothing about alternatives to cane sugar at the time and eventually my brewing lapsed due to flavour problems. I got back into it a few years ago - started with ESB kits, then adding grains - right now I'm brewing...
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    What Sanitiser Do You Use?

    I use iodophor - measured using a small syringe - 1ml per litre. After fermentation I soak the fermenter in a bleach solution for a few days - along with whatever other plastic that needs cleaning. I've read that nappy san is good on stainless steel and preferable to bleach. cheers reg
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    This is the funniest first homebrew story I've read - I'm a happy scrounger for bottles (and have cast more than a sideways glance at those lovely SS kegs outside the pub) - but getting your first homebrew kit from the rubbish - that's a hoot. As for complexity - it gets easier the more you...
  12. R

    Why I'm moving to Victoria

    Well the shed is full as a boot with fridges, freezers and fermenters - the three fs. Outside there's a big trellis with hops growing like blazes - growing so much I'm nodding off from the aroma. I haven't been around much lately - just too preoccupied with things apart from brewing. cheers reg
  13. R

    Aeration Of Wort

    Here's some info on what I do - plus a response from John Hanterlink. When aerating wort I usually either lift and dump from one fermenter to another several times or place the full fermenter above the empty and open the tap on the full. Anyway for my last brew I used the second technique but...
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    Wort Chiller

    That's very interesting Kook - sounds like a great idea. Last time I used my chiller - I used tap water to for most of the cooling and then pumped chilled water to get a larger drop at the end. However chilling from the outset would I imagine be more effective in getting a sudden rapid temp...
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    I Need A Recipe...

    Couple of useful kit improvement articles on the craftbrewing website - under "materials and methods" Grumpys in S. Aust. sell various of categories of kits - combinations of extract, hops, grain. cheers reg
  16. R

    The Robinson Sparger

    This looks like a great idea Doc. Do you have any temperature rating data for the plastic? cheers reg
  17. R

    Using Lager Yeast For Brewing Ales

    I've read elsewhere about people using lager yeast when brewing ales - the idea that a lager yeast even when used at higher than optimum temp. will produce a "cleaner" result than an ale yeast. Any thoughts on this? cheers reg
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    Very Shiny And Very Expensive

    Browsing through new products at b3 I noticed this one - click on the image for a better view - it's quite an attractive iitem. "The most expensive faucet in the World! This German - made stainless faucet was designed to be the official faucet of Oktoberfest, pouring a liter of beer in as...
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    Cock Ale

    Well my decayed nature could do with a bit of restoring this morning. It's a great recipe - anyone fancy putting together a modernised version? I think a firkin = 9 imperial gallons - it's a pretty old term and appears in the bible. cheers reg
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    This weekend's recipe

    Looking forward to seeing a picture of your invention Doc cheers reg