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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. L

    All In One Brewery...

    Hey PP how much grain did you use? - ie what was the actual recipe? What does your efficiency work out as? lou
  2. L

    Worst Comerical Beer You Had

    I'll put a vote in for tooheys red but I once was unlucky enough to get a very out of date guiness - tangy!! what is it with Aussie wheat beers - wheat in a beer does not a wheat beer make. Wrong yeast %$&*heads lou
  3. L

    Se Qld Yeast Swap

    I'm in I've got Wyeast Irish ale 1084 and London ale 1318 happy to spilt a purchase if I can find some common interest would love a Belgian Wit 430 and bloody hell I'll give any a try lou
  4. L

    Keg Help 3 Gallon

    Well - More dramas from my purchase of old 3 Gal kegs from BD sent an email but no reply - Anyhows Can you help? - It appears that the poppits for my very old firestone kegs are no longer available. It 'may' be possible to source some but no one seems to know what the hell they are - will...
  5. L

    50l Keg As Fermenter...what Lid?

    What Piccys ? - I can't see any :unsure: lou
  6. L

    50l Keg As Fermenter...what Lid?

    Huge benefits - can be scrubbed clean - very clean - doesn't break down - doesn't absorb smells personally I am sick of plastic fermenters. They are very permeable - I have abandoned the typical 'fermenter' style container altogether - now using food grade buckets with a siphon - much...
  7. L

    Fermenter Tap Lube

    Yep but what about the $20 in petrol it takes to get there :o Lou
  8. L

    Style Of The Week 12/7/06 - Foreign Extra Stout

    mmm -now we're talking my kinda stout :chug: lou
  9. L

    Style Of The Week 12/7/06 - Foreign Extra Stout

    Sheaf Stout Sheaf Stout Sheaf Stout Sheaf Stout Sheaf Stout Yum - am working on a clone :chug: lots of chocolate and coffee flavour and aromas with a nice fruity ester which compliments roast malts perfectly. Pretty much the only beer I want to drink in winter most aussie stouts suck...
  10. L

    Mash Ph

    Yep I add the phos to all my water -Ihave a 40L urn and heat mash and sparge water together - low minerals means you probably won't have to add much - the calcium buffers the pH a bit. I would look into the pH tester I found - You only use 1-2 drops of the solution every test. I have done...
  11. L

    Mash Ph

    Personally I think you are better off gettng your sparge/strike water water right and let the mash take care of itself. Where do you live chris - you initial water profile makes all the difference - I'm in Brissy - tap water is about pH 8 and full of calcium - I check my pH with a cheap...
  12. L

    Sugarcane Juice

    you have just discovered why sugar mills are all located next to cane fields - Once the cane is cut the juice must be extracted and treated within 17 hrs or it goes off - If I remember correctly there are enzymes in the cane which start breaking down the sugars very soon after it is cut or...
  13. L

    Cleaing Ball Valves

    Well I chucked one in the pressure cooker seems to come out alright but in the end didn't clean off the smell -Chucked in a bucket with oxyaction - clean as a whistle in 15 mins. The sodium percarbonate cleaner really helps to lift off stuff which is what you need in a malty environment :P lou
  14. L

    Brown Ale & The Union

    so whats the recipe????!!!!! lou
  15. L

    Plastic Tubing

    Hmmm I've got one on my HLT No hassle at all - you need a 1/2 inch elbow compression fitting and some polycarbonate tubing. You can get poly tube which is a perfect fit into the comp fitting. Only trouble is sourcing the poly tube. Might have to ring around a bit. ALso you will need to bolt...
  16. L

    Kettle Elements

    Well I have 2 elements in my 50L SS boiler and this works fine - once it is boiling I can turn one of the elements off and still get a rolling boil. 2 elements gets it to the boil faster - I also have an infinite stove type control for one of the elements but in all honesty it isn't really...
  17. L

    Exploding Yeast Culture

    I was reading over at the wyeast website that it is better not to store yeast under pressure. Pressure seriously lessens yeast health/viability etc. I haven't done this much but will start to ensure my yeast containers have little or no pressure in them in future - at least for stuff i want to...
  18. L

    Barter You Brew Bits Here

    Is that a 1,2 or 3 piece '1/2 BSP 316 SS full bore ball valve' lou :)
  19. L

    Late Mash Additions For Dark Grains

    I picked myself up some carafa special and plan on using it in my next brew - generally i am not so worried about astringency - just getting a powerful aromatic coffee choc roast punch in my stout. I am thinking it is alot like making coffee - you don't want to over brew the coffee - it...
  20. L

    Late Mash Additions For Dark Grains

    Hi Ya all I just wanted to raise late additions of dark malts to a mash - I did this on my last brew - was trying to make a stout but b/c of the late addition didn't contribute as much colour but the flavour was so much better than normal - a real aromatic and intense coffee aroma which i...