Yeah i smoked a lamb shoulder before , they come out so nice. Yeah this probably had my two week intake of calories lol. Do you smoke your lamb shoulder?
Cheers bud, after i posted i realized 100 other post with same question. Cheers for taking the time out . This beer is for the royal show beer comp, so i really hope its perfect. Taste good so far, hopefully it wins a place
Ill have to do that today i already dry hopped so ill cold crash get it off the old yeast and dry hops and put in secondary with the starter ive made. Hopefully it wont take to long.
Ive made a dr smurto's golden ale using s-05 and im stuck on 1.020. Iv given it a stir and raised temp to 21°. But still at same gravity, its been 3 weeks . Is it safe to bottle?
Hi i dry hopped yesterday and left the cup and stc-1000 probe outside in the heat. This has resulted in my beer being frozen. Can i just thaw out and add more yeast? It has been fermenting for just under a week