I made a tripel 3 weeks ago.
Its been at ~20C all that time.
Took a FG reading this morning .. which is usually just a matter of course .. and its 1.030!!
WTF!! It started at ~1.082. 63% attenuation.
Now with my new mash tun I'm a bit lost, but I couldn't have mashed that high!
So what do I...
So when you say muddy .. like pond water? Like the trub at the bottom of the fermenter was stirred into the beer before kegging .. or cloudy like a hefeweizen?
And how did you chill? And how did you separate the hot and cold break? My beers are a lot clearer since getting a chiller (used to...
I use a 2l polycarbonate bottle. Although those are pricey too, and I melted one in a blond moment. But I have used a 2l apple juice bottle but the prob. with that is you can't pour boiling water into it to sanitise because the bottom cracks off!
In my new and improved down shifted lifestyle, its convenient for me to start a mash at 7:45 and be back at 9:00 to heat the mash out water .. works out ~90min mash.
Now that's what I do for say, a tripel anyway, but will it have a devastating effect on my other beers?
I guess it depends how...
I used amber for the biscuit and EKG for the hops. And I used WY3787 at 19C, non of that fluctuating temperature stuff you do for a tripel.
I just checked my brewsheet against the book and I'd swapped the biscuit and caramunich amounts!
Now when I make it again. do I swap it back or keep it the...
Seeds of Papaver Somniferum are explicitly excluded from the list. So either your business has a permit or AQIS just don't care. Actually that's one of the seeds I've sent myself. Bread seed poppy is also P. somniferum. So perhaps it is worth trying to send hop seeds. You may just lose the...
Did you read the list? And the act?
If seeds are on the list you can bring them in .. no permit, no red tape (but you have to check the list against the list of weed species).
And if you read the list you would see that there are many many "agricultural" seeds.
Fire ants don't live on seeds.
Seeds other than legumes and cereals are generally OK. Naughty seeds are not, e.g poppies may be confiscated.
I've sent seeds to myself from overseas to save myself the hassle of customs at the airpot. And people have sent me seeds from the US.
Here is the import conditions for seeds ...
Here's an international site that reckons it can send "spore prints" into Oz.
OT - here's a site where you can buy an oak tree inocculated with truffles and grow your own!
Here's link to page with various uses for spent grain ... but bulk spent grain from a brewery.
The spent grain has to be composted. If you had a worm farm you could use that. I just fling some over the fence at the chooks and the rest goes in the compost bin along with all our other...
I agree , james brewery sounds too much like JS.
Why not just church brewery? The blessed beer :) Related words: abbey, bethel, cathedral, chapel, oratory, sanctuary, shrine
Beech Leaf Beer and have a beech leaf on it?
I used to brew on the stove using a 23litre pot across 2 burners. When I graduated to AG and a 36l pot I got a nasa burner.
I feel for you. I find brewing stressful even when it goes well! If you lived in Adelaide I'd sew your bag up for you! I'm sure you can find a kind hearted sewer to whiz...
so ... wes, fourstar, anyone ... why is melanoiden for lagers? I sub. it for aromatic malt in american recipes.
Last two ales I brewed had melanoiden in them.
botulism hates hops.
"The present invention relates to the discovery that hop extract is useful as an antibacterial agent against the dangerous pathogens Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium difficile, and Helicobacter pylori at levels below that at which a flavor from the acids contained therein...
Oh no! Not botulism and no chill again! again! again!
It was done *to death* (no pun intended) on the original no chill thread.
Please don't start Darren up again.
Although .. no one mentioned permeability of the cube to oxygen, that's novel, I'll admit.