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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. B

    Newcastle Beer Related Must See ?

    Go see Borret's chiller... Still impressed...
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    Wort Got Darker

    Agree with that Brauluver. The only thing I'd add is that when I'm doing extract recipes I do a small boil of 2-3l at the estimated OG to get the hop extraction rates about right. I would have done a boil of around 250g malt in 2l and added the rest at the end as Brauluver suggested. Very little...
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    Yeast For Stout

    I've never used the K-97 but from hazy memory it's a Kolsch yeast, which generally are fine for stouts. I've done several stouts with Wyeast 1007 which has some similar characteristics to Kolsch's, and I think 1007 stouts are fantastic. Go for it.
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    Fermenter Quantity

    4x30l fermenters, 1x15l fermenter, 3x22l jerrys, 2x12l carboys. They just keep multiplying, somehow. And I just hate it when any of them are empty!!! Edit: Can't count...
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    Brewing Ales Get's me (nearly) everytime as well... Goliath Home page: Goliath Goliath American Cream Happy to second the recommendation. Slightly off topic, but Dave's Alt is pretty damn good too. No affiliation, etc.
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    Info: Malt Shovel Kits Sold At Big W

    Of course, I can of MSB kits in 23l halves the bitterness, flavour, etc. Not really recommended just for saving a few pennies. :chug:
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    England Level Test Series

    I didn't know they played test cricket in Libya.
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    First Ag....what To Do?

    Very much like johnno. I just went as simple possible. A half batch APA which was just Aussie Pale malt and liberal doses of Amarillo. Very, very happy with it and its younger siblings. Consequently, I'm eyeing off bigger brewing equipment every day. Soon, soon.
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    Whoops! Damn this internet thing-a-me. You never know who's listening. No offense intended, of course. :)
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    Yep. Canadians. Love 'em. At their worst, still slightly better than Americans (or Seppos, if you prefer something more technically correct)... But where's the real beer MooseBoys? :D
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    Sorry to be a gruff old traditionalist, but as far as I'm concerned there is no choice. Please use the 1007. By all means try the 1098 in a later brew, but 1007 - brewed cold - is damn good for a Koelsch. Second only to a true Koelsch yeast. 1007 is damn good for many brews. Great yeast.
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    Quality Of Switching To All Grain

    Grains give the widest range of flavours and customisation possible. Grains give a freshness which extracts can't match - by definition. Try doing a small mash with maybe a kilo of crushed grain from a decent HBS. You can handle that with normal household equipment. If you can't pick the...
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    Tooheys Brewing Kits

    Toohey's kits are probably the best on the market. Ages ago I brewed a Tooheys Draught with the kit yeast and it turned out just like Tooheys New, no doubt exactly as the maker intended, and just what their punters are looking for. Personally, if there was any flavour in it, I would have...
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    Drinking On The Job

    Slightly off topic, and just out of interest, but which RSS Newsreader are you using Doc?
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    Possibly My Last Kit..... What Yeast To Use

    Matt, I've found the 1318 to be more inclined to stall at colder temps than a lot of yeasts I've used. From memory the recommended range is 18-23C. I now keep the temp at a fairly solid 20C. The other thing that can be deceptive is the permanence of krausen with top cropping yeasts. It may look...
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    Amarillo Apa Tips

    Pardon my laziness, Colin, but there were some LCPA hints in this thread on the Grumpy's forum a while back. I'll leave you to do the reading. LCPA thread At quick glance there are very special Cascade in there plus Goldings and Chinook.
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    Chiller Art

    Mmmmm. And soooooo shiny. I just noticed the inner coil as well. Brilliant. Yep. BIG HAND.
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    My First Square Beer

    I have a very soft spot for the little Grumpy's ONE containers. Did my first ever AG in one 'cos I can't mash and boil a normal size AG batch. Needless to say, it turned out magnificently. My smallest fermenter was a 2l plastic milk container. I did a tiny brew to check the taste of Simcoe hops...
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    Lager Life...

    With the chill weather and my current lack of facilities for all-year-round lager brewing temperatures I'm in the middle of the frantic lager brewing season, no doubt like several others. By the end of the lager season I'll have over 300 bottles. As a devout ale drinker, that's probably enough...
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    Infections, Why Are Some Immune?

    I think "where you brew" can influence the risks as well. Things like proximity to foodstuffs, open air, etc - of all equipment - can have the strangest affect. I've read somewhere here (a POL post I think) of someone who moved their brewing from kitchen (high volume of foodstuff) to laundry and...