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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. M

    Which Grain To Use

    G'day men, I had a beer the other day (Old Leg Over) and it had that raisen, christmas cake sort of taste. Can anybody tell me what grain delivers that taste? Cheers in advance. Cadbury
  2. M

    Not Reaching Correct Gravity

    Yes it was US05. Maybe I should try another yeast? Thanks
  3. M

    Not Reaching Correct Gravity

    G'day Men, I've got a brew that has an OG of 1048. This is what the recipe said it should come out at. After 1 week, it now reads 1020 and hasn't moved for the last 2 days. The recipe states it should have a FG of 1013. I have my brew (60 L) in a temperature controlled fridge and use good...
  4. M

    Buying A Refractometer

    G'day Men, I know this has probably been done to death, but I'm interested in buying a refractometer. What sort should I get.(the price varies greatly on ebay) Sometimes my beer's OG is too low, will this help me rectify this problem? If it does, how? Any thoughts would be much appreciated...
  5. M

    Can I Half Fill A Keg?

    G'day Men, Just a quick one. Can I half fill a keg, then gas it? If this was able to be done, I presume I would gas it for only half the time? Thanks, Cadbury.
  6. M

    Flat Beer

    ok, that sounds like a good idea. I'll give it a go.
  7. M

    Flat Beer

    G'day men, I tasted my kegged brew today and found it a little flat. To add more gas, how long do I gas it for? Normally I have the bottle set on 300 then shake the keg for 50 seconds. I'm worried if I do the same again it will be too gassy. Cheers, Cadbury
  8. M

    What Malt Am I Liiking For?

    Ok, thanks. I'll make a few adjustments Cadbury
  9. M

    What Malt Am I Liiking For?

    G'day Men, I'm trying to make an ale that has that toffee come fruitcake flavour. Something like an Adnams Broadside. I've included the grain I was thinking about for a 21 litre batch. Can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance. 3.75 kg Maris Otter .50 kg Caraaroma .25 kg Carared Cadbury
  10. M

    Gelatine Additions

    Thanks guys. That info is exactly what I am after. Cadbury
  11. M

    Gelatine Additions

    G'day men, I've been reading a few posts about using gelatine to clear your beer. I've added it directly to the keg prior to filling with success. In fact I've found it clearer doing this than filtering. I was wondering if anyone adds gelatine to the fermenter prior to dropping the temp? Can...
  12. M

    Choc Porter Question

    One reason your beer has no head is the oil around the rim of the glass that comes from your lips. You should always wash your glasses in detergent as this is the only thing that will properly remove the oil. After washing you then rinse with clean water. Cadbury
  13. M

    Frozen Beer

    They are the words I was hoping to hear. Thanks
  14. M

    Frozen Beer

    G'day men, Being a fool that I am, I accidently plugged the freezer straight back into the socket without putting it through the fridge-mate first. So now I have 4 frozen kegs. Can I defrost this beer and drink it? Thanks Cadbury
  15. M

    Opinions On Dunkel

    Thanks fellas, that gives me a lot to think about. Cadbury
  16. M

    Opinions On Dunkel

    Great, thanks for the tips.
  17. M

    Opinions On Dunkel

    G'day Men, Munich Dunkel 6kg Munich malt .4kg Caramunich Malt .17kg Chocolate Wheat Malt .1kg Melanoiden Malt 20gm Hallertaur Mittelfrueh 6.5% 60 min. 30gm " " " 30 min. 30gm " " ' 15 Min. 30gm " " 10 min. 30gm " " 5 min. My question is if this brew looks ok. On beersmith it showed the...
  18. M

    How Do I Sparge This?

    thanks for that. I thought there may have been some scientific reason that you had to do ex amount of sparges. Thanks for the info, I'll get started. Cadbury
  19. M

    How Do I Sparge This?

    G'day Men, I've got a problem with this stout I'm making. Here is the grain bill: 4 kg Marris Otta 1.7 kg Carapils 1.7 kg Crystal 1.62 kg Wheat Malt .45 kg Roasted Barley .225 kg Black Malt OG 1.115 FG 1.037 My preboil volume is 39 L. If I multiply the grain by 2.5 to get my water to mash with...
  20. M

    Bottling After Temp. Drop

    G'day Men, If I drop the temp. to zero to drop the yeast in my fermenter, what happens if I want to bottle that brew? The sugar that is bulk primed will not carbonate if those bottles are put in the fridge. Do I let the bottles sit at room temp. for a couple of weeks so they can carbonate then...