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  1. F

    Help With First Extract

    thanks for the help Dravid i think i will follow your sugestion and swap the black for some choc malt and maybe drope back the maltodextrin to 250 g just to lower my FG abit i want it closer to 12 than 16 but with a alc of 6.2 aprox it dose not seem to bad but with a ibu of 29 you say would...
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    Dry Hopping Primary...

    I have just done my first dry hop and i used pellets because they fall to pieces and fall to the bottom of the fermenter so you dont have to filter it and they dont float around in the beer so my advice would be to dry hop with pellets
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    Help With First Extract

    hi guy i am deciding on my first extract recipe. i like stong dark english ales and i unsure of what to do i was thinking of doing a dark ale 23 ltrs batch wanting to get about 7% to 7.5% so can some one help refine a recipe for me 3 kgs of dry dark malt extract 500g of black malt grains...
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    Cask Setup

    hi guys i am a bit of a traditionalist and i like the idea real ales and the cask setup with the beer engine i have done a bit of research on the topic and want to set up a few casks for my bar but i am having trouble getting the equipment ( i have not tried ebay yet thats next ) so i was...
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    How Do You Bulk Prime?

    just thought could you mot just siphon off the sludge at the bottom to prevent it form getting into the you beer if you dont have a second fermentor you probably would not get it all and you would waste a little beer but on the plus side you would get some of the high floculant yeast in your...
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    Hi guys i was just wondering if any one has a good idea for making bottling faster i have decided that buy bulk priming i can cut out adding individual scoopes of sugar to each bottle and sitting the fermentor up and using a racking tube on the bottling spear its easier but i saw some where a...
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    First Extract

    thanks for the info and the link i have not sen this site before so i will have a play with it and thanks for the recipe it dose look like a nice easy starter im more of a dark ale person but variety is the spice of life so i might give it a go i have not tried a golden ale before (well i...
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    First Extract

    hi guys i would like to do my first extract brew but looking at alot of recipes i see most people brew to 23 ltrs when i do kits i have found that i get a better beer when i follow all the same quantities as the kits sayes to use but only brew to 18 ltrs would the same apply to brew extracts...
  9. F

    Whats In A Kit Make Up

    hi after reading around abit today i found a page that said that the beer kit is just hopped LME is this correct and would it be better to just buy LME and hops boil all up in water if the correct fashion and quantities buy staging the hops exposure and make your own wort that way I know it...
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    Kegging Question

    cheers guys that is what i thought but it is good to get another opinion
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    Kegging Question

    hi i heard that you can prime your kegs like you do bottles but i was wondering if you did it this was your beer should be carbonize and do you still need to co2 charge your system from a bottle or is this second stage fermentation enough
  12. F

    Experiments With Dry Extract

    thanks for the help guy im one of these people that if told it cant be done i will try and do it just to prove them wrong so i had to ask the question by the sound of the responses in this threat and others ive read most people are useing it to get more alcohol out of a brew and while i...
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    Recipe Question (oatmeal Stout

    hi guys my favorite beer is a "samule smiths and sons oatmeal stout" (pommy beer) and after a trip to my local home brew shop i found that you cant get a oatmeal stout in a can and i was wondering if any one know of this beer and has a recipe or a recipe for a oatmeal stout i would be very...
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    Experiments With Dry Extract

    be nice im not after insults im looking for some one who has used this enzime successfully
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    Experiments With Dry Extract

    while that recipe does sound good boingk and thanks for the welcome im sorry what i ment to ask about was dry enzime not dry extract sorry but do you have any info
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    Experiments With Dry Extract

    Hi guys i have read some of your post about this topic and it caused some heated discussions on the board and i dont want that to start again but i have just done my first brew useing dry extract and have found it to have some quite interesting results first i brewed a coopers dark ale and...