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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. Suds_Moustache

    Final Gravity Won't Drop Under 1.010

    Hmm ok what you have both suggested in terms of the dextrose/malto/malt combo makes sense. It is sort of reflected in the numbers below. Seems the LBS blend and the yeast are contributing factors. I guess all that matters at the end of the day is the taste, but I was curious about the cause of...
  2. Suds_Moustache

    Final Gravity Won't Drop Under 1.010

    The last few brews I have done (various types including lagers and ales) I haven't been able to get the SG down below about 1.010. Is there a general reason for this eg temp? I don't use refrigeration etc so brew at room temp (around 22 degrees usually - we have air con running) and have been...
  3. Suds_Moustache

    Sg Reading A Concern

    Thanks guys will probably bottle in the next couple of days then. I used the same blend of dextrose etc last time, but it was a lager that I kept under a wet towel with ice bricks in the laundry sink, and left for 2 weeks, so maybe different conditions produced different result. Anyway, thanks...
  4. Suds_Moustache

    Sg Reading A Concern

    Hi all, I am having trouble with my current brew in the fermenter. The recipe was as follows: Morgan's Aust Draught Brew Blend (500g Dextrose, 250 Maltodextrin, 250, Light Malt) Brewcraft Cascade Finishing Hops (teabag) I added half a bag of ice to bring down the temp before adding the...
  5. Suds_Moustache

    Beer Labels And Logos

    I did these ones on Publisher: Took a while to get the template right and I am still experimenting with designs. The one I used was the "label" template (if you go into "templates when you first create a new document you will see...
  6. Suds_Moustache


    I have read about reusing yeast cake etc in here, but is it really worth it? ok so the kit yeast may not be ideal but how much is a packet of yeast from the LBHS? Dos it give a much better taste or something? Also, probably more suited to if you are doing similar beers each time but if you...
  7. Suds_Moustache

    Airlock Question

    Thanks guys, I mean it's common sense but I had read somewhere about exposing the beer to air being problematic. Juts wanted to make sure I wasn't potentially ruining the brew! AHB, good quick advice for a fraction of the price!
  8. Suds_Moustache

    Airlock Question

    Ok so if I was to rack my brew, is it ok to attach a hose to the tap and feed it slowly into the secondary, making sure th hose is on the bottom to avoid unnecessary splashing etc? Only trouble is, both my fermenters have large screw on lids, so technically there is no way to transfer without...
  9. Shazam Lager.jpg

    Shazam Lager.jpg

    This one's my first effort and least favourite so far. The lettering doesn't really work but it was my first time using Microsoft Publisher so by the time I got to the 4th or 5th one it was a lot easier.Learnt a lot though, and the basic design is a good template I think.
  10. T&A.jpg


    What can I say? I am sucker for chicks with tatoos and when the chick is Betty Page? Can't go wrong.I really like the way this one turned out. The colours look perfect, just like a proper beer label. Gotta love that T&A!
  11. Sea Monster.jpg

    Sea Monster.jpg

    I really like this one, although it would be rough on a colour cartridge printing 30 of these every brew. Still, if I saw that in the bottle shop I reckon I'd buy it for the graphic alone. The "sea monster bit her" play on words is corny, sure, but I kinda like it.
  12. Rough Morning red.jpg

    Rough Morning red.jpg

    This was supposed to be indicative of the old "chew your arm off" scenario...Some mornings it's just better to keep drinking.
  13. Beer Labels

    Beer Labels

    These are some beer labels I created. Probably totally impractical due the cost of printing full colour labels that will inevitably get water damaged but I think they truned out ok for a first try.Already planning on ways to improve the look and feel, and maybe I'll do some up just for fun.
  14. Beerelzebub.jpg


  15. Suds_Moustache

    Airlock Question

    Ok, interesting point about the dry enzymes. I might hold off for a while then seeing as though leaving it can't hurt, can it? Pending the SG readings maybe bottling next weekend might be the go. Thanks for the input.
  16. Suds_Moustache

    Airlock Question

    Cool thanks Raven, yeah I am pretty keen to get this bottled, without wanting to rush it. This brewing thing has a hold on me...can't wait for the next one!
  17. Suds_Moustache

    Airlock Question

    PS I have down: Morgan's Blue Mountain Lager Booster Mix (500g dex, 250 light malt, 250 malto dex) Brewcraft dry enzyme Brewiser finishing hops (teabag) additional 480g dex as mentioned in a previous post I pitched yeast at 32 degrees due to unforeseen circumstances I have kept temp at around...
  18. Suds_Moustache

    Airlock Question

    OK so I get the impression that the airlock doesn't have a great rep as an indicator on this forum and with good reason. The airlock can stop bubbling for a few reasons etc etc. But what about if it is still bubbling when the SG reaches 1.006? My brew has been down since Sunday arvo (it's now...
  19. Suds_Moustache

    Labels For Your Home Brew

    A few of the labels I whipped up tonight...probably never use most of em but a bit of fun nonetheless. Also gave myself a crash course in Publisher, so it was educational as well.
  20. Suds_Moustache

    Labels For Your Home Brew

    Looking at the forum I see many people with what looks to be their own brewery logos etc. I was any of you go to the trouble of actually making labels for your bottles? I presume it would be easy enough to knock something up in Adobe Photoshop or a similar program on the...