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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. S

    Free Stubbies And Champagne Bottles, Plus A Couple Of Other Bits- Sydn

    Sorry mate thought I replied to you... champers bottles are gone but the rest of the stuff's still there.
  2. S

    Free Stubbies And Champagne Bottles, Plus A Couple Of Other Bits- Sydn

    Hi All, me and the missus are moving out of our place to go travelling for a while and putting our stuff into storage, so I need to get rid of a bunch of stuff thats not worth holding onto. So the following stuff needs a home: around 100 pop-top stubbies, various brands, all cleaned and...
  3. S

    Macintosh Brewing Software - Beeralchemy

    Might have to give this a crack I reckon, although I'm lucky enough to have a PC and a Mac sitting side by side on my desk!
  4. S

    Getting The Wort To Pitching Temp

    Might not win any awards but I'm sure it will still be drinkable. I've pitched the yeast at similar temps and the beer' still been ok. Next time though chuck 3 or 4 3 litre PET juice bottles full of water in your fridge the day before you brew, and if possible cool them off to near freezing just...
  5. S

    Ginger Concentrate And Apple Concentrates

    I just put down a ginger beer partly based on a recipe Doc posted in an earlier thread, I've done a similar one before and it was great. Forget ginger concentrate, just use a ginger beer kit then get a 200g peice of root ginger from the supermarket, peel it, then thoughrougly grind it with a...
  6. S

    Exploding Bottles

    My limited experience has been that some kits are a bit more prone to bombs than others. I'ver had three bombs in total and all were with the ESB bavarian lager lit, for some reason they have had WAY more carbonation to them than any other kit I've brewed. The second batch of this stuff I did I...
  7. S

    Adding Extra Body To Malt Shovel Stout Kit

    Thanks all, after cafeful consideration I decided on 100g malto/50g lactose mix (I know I rerally should experiment one step at a time but I'm never the most methodical chef or brewer :P ) Initial gravity was 1050, hopefully it'll finish around the 1020 mark.
  8. S

    Adding Extra Body To Malt Shovel Stout Kit

    Thanks Keith, guess the malto will be the go although I quite like the idea of a slightly sweeter stout.... how do you think a 50/50 matodextrin/lactose addition would go?
  9. S

    Adding Extra Body To Malt Shovel Stout Kit

    Tonight I'm planning on putting down a tin of the Malt Shovel Oatmeal stout, but would like to give it a little extra body and head. I thought about adding a bit of either maltodextrin or lactose (I have a bit of both lying around). Which will likely give the best result and how much would be...
  10. S

    .just Tried A Chimay Red...

    I tried the white on the weekend (along with a red which I'd tried before, having also previously sampled the blue) and have to say I still rate the red as my favourite (and probably my fave beer all round). Happily it's also the cheapest Chimay ("only" $7 per stubbie at Dan Murphys, lol). But...
  11. S

    Ginger Beer

    I did one of their kits a month ago, with the following extras: 500g dextrose 250g LME 250g maltodextrin (from booster kit) 500g honey 350g dark brown sugar 2 sticks cinnamon tbsp cloves some nutmeg 15g pureed ginger root Bottled it a little over a month ago, came out at 4.5% and it's drinking...
  12. S

    Using Raw Sugar

    Maybe he could make some ginger beer or cider?
  13. S

    Snake Wine - Not For The Squeamish

    Saw plenty of snake wine in Vietname when I was there although didn't try it (just stuck to the local 15 cent per glass beer!!!). However I will add to the mythbusting by saying that while cat may not taste like chicken, dog definitely does taste like pork (at least when it's grilled!). Deep...
  14. S

    Enhancements To Esb Bavarian Lager?

    Check the wort from my 20L brew tonight and she's about ready for the bottle I think, ABV is up to 5.3% at 1010 so I think the reduced volume has done the job nicely in boosting the strength to what I wanted. It's tasting pretty good too, despite the hot weather on the weekend having pushed the...