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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  1. P

    Stone & Wood question

    A big thankyou to sp0rk for this recipe - I brewed this a couple of weeks ago and it's come out brilliant - as close to the original as you're ever going to get. The only thing I'd add is that you need a high chloride to sulfate ratio (I used 150:50) Photos and other info below...
  2. P

    Flip Top Bottles

    I've been using the same mangrove jacks ones, and have had a similar experience. I bottle from keg (after force carbonation), and have found that after more than a few weeks they lose all carbonation and become flat. I'll be going back to good old reliable crown seals I think
  3. P

    Homebrew Talk 3D Print Thread.

    After upgrading my kegerator setup, I've come up with another design to hold my (previously posted) custom decals. Full details - Custom Triple Tap Kegerator Font Decal Holder
  4. P

    Hydrom Electronic Hydrometer

    I've just written a review on the Hydrom - I think it's cool and a worthy competitor to the other digital floating hydrometer options available at the moment. I integrated it with Ubidots Stem for free and was able to create some neat looking graphs using the in-built widgets...
  5. P

    Newbie considering Brewart Beerdroid for simplicity and hopefully taste...

    Have you considered using Fresh Wort Kits? Typically 15L of brewed wort (unfermented beer) that you can (optionally) top up to 20L with spring water if you wish. A bit more than 10L batch you mentioned, but it's as easy as pouring it into a fermenter along with some yeast, let it ferment for 1-2...
  6. P

    Homebrew Talk 3D Print Thread.

    thanks! Finish isn't spectacular on them, but for a garage kegerator I think they're neat, and provide a nice little keepsake for each of my brews - once their done I stick a magnet to them and keep them on the side of the fridge.
  7. P

    Homebrew Talk 3D Print Thread.

    I made some 3D printed custom tap decals like this More info here for anyone interested
  8. P

    KegKing Spundy

    Try manually pressing down the locking collar on the Spundie once you've got it pushed onto the post
  9. P

    Best Conical Pressurised fermenter

    Cheers! I clean it with a keg washer setup, but only use warm tap water. Can't answer to the lid holding up to near boiling temperature. I don't have any other accessories (yet) besides a ball valve sight glass so haven't dumped yeast or used a carb stone etc.
  10. P

    Best Conical Pressurised fermenter

    I've got one - have just published a review on it
  11. P

    Best Conical Pressurised fermenter

    Cheeky Peak have their Nano-X stainless conical fermenter range that are pressure capable (with a special pressure rated lid)
  12. P

    Inkbird Giveaway and Christmas Sales !Thermostat 308 wifi +Heating mat $69.84

    Count me in - been eyeing off a heating pad for some time now
  13. P

    KegLand Questions and Answers

    Hi Kegland, Looking at going down the rabbit hole of kegging so am looking at getting started with something like the fermzilla conical 27L - I like the idea of a unitank for pressure fermenting and then using the same vessel for serving/dispensing.. however, I'm not finding much info though on...