Haha! Nice one

... a well founded suspicion, especially in children....WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN? Is eating at LaPorchetta going to be classified a type of abuse in years to come?
Probably, either whether you gave it to them or not
Unfortunately the disease (which is "technically" speaking not far away from being an epidemic based on current projections) is pretty highly linked to everyone's favourite form of kilojoules!
I assume you are talking about non-insulin dependant or acquired or Type 2 diabetes?
Plus it is easy to tar research with the brush of suspicion (hows that for a confused metaphor???) as arguably (very arguably) almost all research is based on some Gov funding, OR funded by an interest group/stakeholder.
Not easy to tar research, just some of it is crap. It is all definately funded entirely by Govt. funding and/or interest groups.
The %10 figure is an interesting one...I hope it didn't come from a credible peer reviewed source haha!