tangent said:neon, do you have an airstone attached to that pump?
tangent said:so do u dip it in ortho 1st?
tangent said:so do u dip it in ortho 1st?
tangent said:yeah orthophosphiricacid
so that blue stone thing can obviously handle the treatment Borret gives it
and our fish keep dying anyway....
tangent said:what's your procedure Ross?
how do you oxygenate?
I'd be interested to hear what Darren does also...
... interested but not holding my breath...
JimD said:I've never aerated, and never had problems. That was when I used Gervin ale yeast. Now I've started on Wyeast 1318 and it's a swine to get going properly.
I've had to rouse it every other day just to keep it going (even at 22C), so I was seriously thinking of investing in some aeration equipment.
Does anyone else think that the need for aeration is mainly down to the yeast strain?
Tony said:JimD........... i have had the same problems with 1318.
Bloody great yeast but getting better that 69% attenuation takes a bit of work and Re-spalshing if you know what i mean
I use the 2 firmenter tip back and forth method at the moment but it pisses me off.
Bilph said:.............W1318 has given me grief as well. Agree it's a great tasting yeast though.
It's the only one to ever give me a stuck ferment, so I'll never give it any opportunity to stick again. Heavy aeration with this one, and carefully monitoring of the temp to keep it in range, preferably towards its upper end.
I just pour bucket to bucket a couple of times to aerate.