Where Is The Most Remarkable Place You've Had A Pint Of Guinness?

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Its ironic- In Ireland they have little Guinness quality control vans that visit pubs and ensure the Guinness is up to the expected standard. I've seen them on the road. Actually despite their lack of variety - the Irish run pubs very well - beer is always kept well. So having a pint of Guinness in Ireland is always very pleasurable.

My cousin is one of these.... had a bit of fun helping him with his job for a week in the west of Ireland...
I've had some pretty bad widget cans that tasted distinctly like aluminum. That's what inspired me to start home brewing in the first place.. that and the futurama ep where they brew beer inside bender.

Best place I've had guinness was on tap at celtic club on queen st. :)
In Ireland about 20 years ago, in too many pubs to remember. I never crossed the border into Ulster as it was truly dark territory then, but I'm sure there is no such thing as a bad guinness anywhere on that island. I think that the music, the camaraderie (once it was determined that we were not Poms) and the general cosy (read smoky) atmosphere made it a memorable rite of passage for any beer drinker.
The most unusual place I found a guinness was Moscow in 1996, a true indication that Perestrioka was taking hold.
The worst? Somewhere in New York State that same year. They just didn't have a clue. Its the only time I've sent back a beer and asked for water. The ultimate insult!
Definitely Brewery fresh at the Guinness Museum at St. Jame's Gate. You get a free pint on the tour. I hit the jackpot because I had my wife, daughter & father in law with me who didn't want theirs. I walked out of that tour a little munted. :D

Warren -
Um. In my mouth?

BTW your link goes through to 500 Guinness people. Am I supposed to click on Alec Guinness? Caffe Guinness or some other family member of Guinness ancestry?

Or do you have to be logged into facebook to get this thingy to work?

Always remember that Alec Guinness is genuine class.


...anyway, I suppose the only time in recent memory where I've really enjoyed a guinness was in Tel Aviv, in a fantastic pub full of great people. It had nothing to do with the beer.
Apparently you like to serve it with a large portion of spam.