Whats In A Kit Make Up

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hi after reading around abit today i found a page that said that the beer kit is just hopped LME is this correct

and would it be better to just buy LME and hops boil all up in water if the correct fashion and quantities buy staging the hops exposure and make your own wort that way

I know it would take alot longer but it would give you alot more flexibility and be similar to AG brewing with out the need to extract the malt from the grain

If this is better could any one give me a good beginner recipe for a dark ale or a porter or stout i could use as a starter
G'day ford-ute,

What youre describing is called "extract brewing", and its how plenty of people around here brew (myself included while im still getting my ag setup together).

is a great setup up from brewing with kits.
Extract brewing will do me for a fair while until i finish uni im thinking and start earning a living eh eh :beerbang: