What Hop Is This?

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Any chance of waterproof ink Ross?

How the hell am I going to work out what these are?
I think they might be Chinook..... but I'm not sure.
you can check back through your orders on the craftbrewer site, then by a process of elimination determine what it is??...
Hey Tangent,

they don't lool like chinhook to me :p but i'm sure if u do a brew with them u will know for sure!

could u just steep some in some boiling water and see what kind of flavour comes off?

btw i love your new logo!
They sure smell like Chinook Tangent. :lol:

Edit: Warren wipes nose-print from monitor.

Warren -
I'd go with american.. but after that.. i'd say its up to your nose..! get it in there.!

(atleast it's sealed .. hey Ross..!?!! :p )

They are done on a laser printer, so it shouldn't run :ph34r: Looks like the print has lifted off.
If you are in doubt what they are & don't want to use them - send me a pm & I'll send you a free packet of any hop you want.


LOL, sorry, shouldn't laugh.

I keep a record of everything I buy and stock. When I loose a label(or forget to!), I just go through all of them and eliminate the knowns.

EDIT: oh ahhhh, Ross, I think I bought some off you too with the same problem... :D :ph34r:
EDIT: oh ahhhh, Ross, I think I bought some off you too with the same problem... :D :ph34r:

I set myself up for that B) - Send them back unopened & I'll replace :p

Cheers Ross
you're too kind Ross, but I reckon if I check my stocks, i can work it out.
Thank Jeebus I just did an inventory!
Any Adelaide brewers reckon they could tell by the smell?
It could be narrowed down.

You could always throw them in the back window of your car and turn them into debittered hops for a lambic.
Lesson to self: 12C ferment means hops in freezer get very wet.

thanks Randyrob - my marketing people have spent ages on that one. After 6 months they've concluded: round is popular :) I think they drew inspiration from the Simpsons appearance on Happy Smile Super Challenge Family Wish Show.

Kai - you know I've tried Darren's excellent salad dressing. I don't think I'll be brewing any Lambics in the near future ;)

Warren - don't be silly, you can't smell them through your monitor, I haven't opened the packet yet!

Not to be mean but I think anyone can brew a better lambic than that. However I do sincerely believe that Darren is the best vinaigrette brewer in SA.
he's an artisan Kai
he should wear a hat with a little tag stuck to it that says Acetic Acid Artisan in tiny letters :)
Hahaha kai and Tangent,

You guys couldn't make it if you tried :p

If I remember correctly, Kai drank all his (albeit blended with Wee Stu's ginger beer).

Funny enough about the vinegarette, I put it into a vinegar bottle (looks something like a tall, clear, Grolsch bottle. In particular the "flip-top-lid"

I pulled it out of the cupboard on the weekend. The "vinegar" had completely dissolved the red rubber sealing ring.

I think I may have tried a little too hard to make this one sour :)



PS: On the hops, do the size of the pellets give you a clue as to what they are? They look small in the pic. Ross, are all the pellets that small?