Vanilla Beans

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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I think extract would work even better, just because it tastes that extra bit nicer. But a 1.5 litres of extract would push the cost price up somewhat. We do want to try one with extract though.

What sort of beers have you primarily used the Vanilla Bean in?

Just in Porters so far, similar to yourself :)

cheers Ross
I must be blessed as my last LHBS provided me with vanilla beans at $1 each .. needless to say I have 50 beans now ... They are 12 months old but have the most beautiful amount of sugar forming on top of them.... I want to do a RIS ... 23 lt ... big vanilla aroma and taste .. should I go big time here Ross ???

In our vanilla imp stout we had 12 in 100L I think. Thats a mix of boil and secondary. Its in our collaboration brew day thread

Link is in my signature
Has anyone mentioned soaking the beans in whiskey for a week or two. That's what i have done before, it works well though my vanilla bourbon choc porter had a distinct bourbon and coke beer character (which i liked). My sister, who doesn't drink beer, quite enjoyed it.

IIRC - one bean in 50 to 100ml of bourbon for 10L of beer
I brought some beans of ebay some time ago, They were sold by weight but worked out to be around 50cents a bean. They were by far the freshest beans I'd ever brought. I divided them up and vacuum sealed them into smaller lots. Being vacuum sealed they stay fresh for a very long time, and are also always on hand.

They are bitter on there own. Do you normally have to account for this extra bitterness in the beer, or is it negligible and not worth worrying about?