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Just a simple question, how long does home brew last before it goes off? Does it have a used by date/time??

I ask because I forgot about a small batch of beer I bottled back in September last year. It has been sitting in a cardboard box in the garage since then. I assume it is OK to drink but that said how much longer will it last???

There is 20 long necks all made from a fresh wort bought from my local brew shop.
As far as I know there isnt a use by date for bottle conditioned beer. But I am still new to this others in here will varify (or not).....
I've had a knk go downhill after one year, and a partial Belgian Ale get better after 1 year.
I'm sure it'll be fine, but there's only one way to find out. :drinks:
Itll be good. Maybe even great.
As a very general rule:
Stronger alcohol beer improves with age for a few years.
Wheat beer is best consumed within three or four months.
Open it and smell it. It's hard to get any kind of poisoning from beer* so don't worry about that (unless it's growing mould). If it smells vaguely like beer, have a taste.

*exception of alcohol poisoning
send it all to me, i'll test each bottle to make sure it's ok.
I have ginger beer that is over 13 years old. Was a brigalow made before I knew any better. Didn't really taste much good when it was fresh. Opened a bottle about a year ago just to see, probably better than when it was fresh, very clear too.