Top Hb T-shirt Sloguns

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I was thinking how cool some AHB t-shirts would be. Some cool Franko designs and a witty slogun on the back that only brewers get, like "Batch or Fly?" or "I can decoct like a madman baby" or something not as crap, but you get the idea...

What's your smart-arse t-shirt blurb that'd let any brewers know you're a smart-arse ?
(other than "i'm a smart-arse brewer!")
"Life begins at 40 IBU", for the old farts.
"Life begins at 40 IBU", for the old farts.

Yep - like that one Kai...

This will be fairly crap but it is early in the morning...

"To Brew, or What IBU....That is the Question...."
I reckon the AHB banner would make a good tee - "Hopping mad"

Or, how about this!

On the front: "He did the mash...."

On the back: "It was a MONSTER mash!" (with picture of a cooler mash tun)

You only need to look at some of the signatures at the bottom of the postees....Like

on the front... Beer! Drink it!

on the back.... then convert it to pee!
"Just Brewed It" with a picture of an upside down Nike logo

Life begins at 40IBU doesn't make much for 27 year olds like me... Mind you, i did have a bit of a cackle over Adam's Monster Mash one...

There was the old ND brewing shirts that said "to an ordinary person, it's beer, but to a homebrewer, it's life"

A diagrammatical version of the brewing process in about 5 steps would be cool - ie. crush, mash, boil, ferment, then a picture of an upside down man in a bin saying "get trashed"

Or, make commercial quality beer for $5 a slab, ask me how (don't walk down the street in Pakenham or Penriff, you'd get mobbed)
How about this (following on - i've got a bit too much time sometimes)

Saw a bloke wearing a tshirt in town recently... "Brewology 101"
I Should've asked where he got it.