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Hmmm... sounds like it lives up to it's reputation then. Might be worth a look.

Do it, if you like B-Grade. I should warn you taht many people find it quite disturbing.

If you dont know anything about it, refrain from reading the plot. It will come as more of a shock if you dont know what to expect.

Again, not suitable for kids or most wives. Its not pornographic, but it sure is obscure.

anyone seen "Machete"? Not horror, but a bloody fantastic film. B-Grade, grindhouse style, but with a huge starring cast. Jeff Fahey, Don Johnston, Robert De Niro, Jessica Alba, Michelle Rodriguez (hot), that drunk chick Lindsay Lohan (hot, especially in the scene here she has a 3-sum including her mum), Steven Seagull and the main main, big bad mexicn mofo Danny Trejo
I'm still waiting for the remake of Evil Dead. Go Ash!!! :beerbang:

The first horror i remember the freaked the **** out of me was The Exorcist.
The Shining is pretty good too. Still freaking scary.

The first Saw blew me away but i wish they had have stopped there though......
I've seen Machete.

I liked Planet Terror more. That was classic.
I'm still waiting for the remake of Evil Dead. Go Ash!!! :beerbang:

The first horror i remember the freaked the **** out of me was The Exorcist.

Stands up to the test of time. One of my favourite horror movies.

Excorcist three (based on the actual novel written as a sequel to the novel excorcist and written and directed by the novelist) is also worth a look.

Unfortunately it didn't do so well because of the travesty of excorcist II: Heretic following so closely on the success of the first. The author had nothing to do with that one and wanted to keep the name excorcist from the (proper) sequel. The novel is called Legion and contains no exorcism - unfortunately the film studio insisted exorcist be in the title AND insisted on an exorcism ritual scene being placed in the movie.

Those who like twisted expolitation movies might be into Necomantik 1 and 2.

@Silo - I've only seen the original I spit on your grave. Remake any good? I'm generally fairly anti-remake.

Other horror of interest to me:

Hills have eyes (original)
Texas Chainsaw massacre (original)
Last House on the left
House of 100 corpses
Devils Rejects

Basket case series (hilarious)
Brain of Blood
Bloodsucking Freaks
Night Dawn and Day (of the dead - Romero's 1st 3 Zombie flicks)

Didn't mind the Canadian remake of Dawn of the Dead either.
While not exactly a horror pic, Tourista was quite good and I suppose I have to include Wolf Creek too. For anyone who has read the series, I reckon The Necroscope would make a great movie.
not really horror either but it's a good film The Tunnel
I liked that for the location (its filmed in the disused underground rail tunnels around St James, Sydney)

Yardy, did you know that bell is really down there ? Or at lest was.
I saw The Intruders the other day, I really liked it saw it in spanish though and I think large parts of the original are in spanish too so that might piss people off.

I always like The Host its a good Korean monster movie its got a really good monster.

the shinning is awesome. almost as good as the simpson ep.

I liked that for the location (its filmed in the disused underground rail tunnels around St James, Sydney)

Yardy, did you know that bell is really down there ? Or at lest was.

g'day ted, no i didn't know that, what was it for ?

as an aside, i thought the bird in the tunnel was a good sort, as was the bird in paranormal activity :icon_chickcheers:
g'day ted, no i didn't know that, what was it for ?

It's a bit of a mystery. According to wiki:

There is also a large bell in one of the tunnels. According to one source, the ABC used this bell to simulate the sound of Big Ben for use in a TV series during the 1960s,but that information has not been verified. Another source suggests that the bell was installed by Nigel Helyer in 1992 as a work of art. The piece, titled "An UnRequited Place", was part of the Working in Public project created by ArtSpace Sydney, and was a combination of the physical sculpture, performance and audio broadcast. For 21 days the sound of the bell tolling at midnight was broadcast by the ABC.

I reckon The Necroscope would make a great movie.

Man, if they could make that properly, with decent cast, decent director, kind of like in a trilogy with three hours per movie like Jackson's LOTR I would be very happy.

To this day I can't watch all the melancholy good looking vampire ****...bring on THIBOR FERENZCY!!!!!! But of course the best thing is that although Thibor is the meanest, toughest ****** you've ever read in a horror novel, Lumley just keeps wheeling out the back story and he is just the tip of the ice-berg.

Hands down my favourite horror series...I tended to err on the "odd" numbers, like books 1, 3 and 5 were friggin awesome - and the others were cool too but felt a little 'contractually obliged' perhaps haha
We cant discuss Palnet Terror without it's other half... Tarantino's Deathproof..

****, this is lovely cinematography.......

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This is a "horror" thread....
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And then of course, there is District 9

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Not to forget Quentin Tarantino's Hostel I and II.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned "Bad Taste"
Forget LOTR there's your Peter Jackson classic right there. :p
....closely followed by its zombie cousin - "Brain Dead"


Ha! Horror Gold!! :p

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