Somewhat Unsanitary Jokes

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Ok, so here we go. Try and keep this within limits, things that'll make you smile/laugh but not cringe at the same time. You may have heard this one before, but I'll put it here anyways.

Well, a woman is bored one day so she invites a friend over for a talk as she does a few things around the place. All normal talk gets exhausted, its a slow week, so things turn to the more, er, physical side of things.
'I know I'm married, but sometimes I miss being single - even if it was only for a night or something you know?' says the friend.
'Well...I might have to let you in on how I'm doing...' says the lady with a coy smile.
'Oh really? Well, what *do* you get up to...I've often wondered', the friend exclaims.
'Well, I've got three partners at the moment...'
'Really?? Do I know them, what are their names....etc etc.' Questions spew from the friends mouth like foam from the neck of an overly warm beer.
'Well we don't use names,' says the woman 'but I gave them all types of soft drink instead' she says with another smile.
'Oh ok, so...go on...'
'Well first there's 7-Up, I gave him that one because he's 7 inches long and is always ready to go...'
The friend laughs out loud and implores her to continue.
'Secondly theres Mountain Dew...because when it comes to mounting he knows what to do. And the last one is Jack Daniels.'
The friend looks puzzled, and says 'Uh, that last one, Jack Daniels? The others are lemonade, but Jack Daniels is hard liqour.'
The friend just smiles and says 'Yep!'