So, Wtf Is Every One Drinking For New Years?

  • Thread starter Jovial_Monk
  • Start date
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Um, started at 5.30pm with, errr, ummm, oh yeah, my clone of a famous UK Mild at 5.8%

That was good so another jug of my Witless Stout made from the second runnings of my wit + roast barley, choc malt etc added to he tun after the wit was run off

3rd jug, can't remember

4th jug, my Dorset Ale second runnings (40L of ale and not a grain of crystal in sight. . .)

Mebbe a fifth in a minute or 3, my wit

If I were 25 years younger that would have been afternoon tea :(

So, tell the truth, what are YOU drinking this eveening??

Jovial Monk
Well I have a keg of badly hopped bitter (grassy) ... but also a bottle of Monty Pythons Holy Grail and Fullers ESB. Could be better but I will make do for now.

Have a good one B)
w.a hbs copy of a snpa.
gotta work tomorrow so have called it quits for the night.
total bummer
Working on New Years Day??

you must be an electrician'

or an air marshal

Well, my landlord (a plumber by trade) was worked today fixing our water. /couldn't brew :(

Um, drinking my hb APA, some Cascade pale ale, Coopers stout and JS wheat. My friend brought around some hideous k&k tooheys horrific yuck. My VB drinking mate even thought it was ****.
I was at a restuarant last night with friends. I had Carlton Cold, or should I say I HAD to have Carlton Cold because it was either that or VB etc.

Made up for it when we all went back home though. As well as quite a few JS Wheat, I finished off at some ungodly hour this morning with an Orval that I had been hoarding.

Today (tonight :rolleyes: ) I'll finish off what's left in my keg of my first ever AG, an APA that has pleased far too many of the friends and relatives. 'Bout the shortest life cycle ever :)

had to drink mega swill wanted my homebrew

had a turmer or something pils (austrian) it was thin and **** like most mega swill inj europe

it had no head retetion nor bitter enough for pils and no hop aroma

then i stauck to hahn premium which was better but not much
Bit of a quiet one in my household.
Everyone is sick with colds.
Had the fireworks on the big screen at midnight and had a couple of my Robust Porters. Really wanted the Rochefort 10 that is sitting in the fridge or even the Kwak but with my sense of smell and taste buds shot, I'll save them for another day.

Happy New Year,
I ran amok with the Bavarian Lager last night! Got pissed as a trough lolly and woke up with a tongue dryer than a nun's nasty!!

Cheers and all the best for '04

some js colonial weat...pretty nice!

ps. happy new year guys!
late reply jm sorry
im a fitter in a mine site.
we work around the clock in this game.
the friggin place never ever shuts.
Had to buy some beer for new year...

JS IPA, Porter & Pilsner.

Onel 1 stubby of each left
Well I went down to Exmouth , grabbed a carton of Coopers Pale for only $56.00 , hell it's a little cheaper up here , oh well had a good time
I tried Grand Ridge Pilsener. Was very pricey for the quality. Not a bad drop, but for the money I'd probably go Pils Urquel next time.

I'm no expert on lagers, but I think the beer had the grain bill of a Bavarian Pilsener and the hop schedule of a Bohemian. Not a bad combination, just a little quirky :) I quite enjoyed it. Well crafted, faultless beer.

Problems I noted:

* I think the bottle shop charged me 4x six-pack price rather than case price. Ouch.

* Inconsistant fill level. Some bottles overfilled. While I'm not complaining about extra beer, you'd imagine brews in this price bracket to be quality controlled.

* Rust marks around the rim of the bottles... terrible. I nearly always pour my beers into a glass anyway, but there shouldn't be a trace of rust, let alone rings.

* Labels have non soluble glue. For that money I'd at least like to be able to use the nice thick bottles a second time. The glue doesn't seem to dissolve in water, metho, turps or bleach. A shame.
gday pomo
off topic alot but anyway heres my thoughts.
sorry to here about the grand ridge.have you considered phoning or emailing grand ridge with your concerns?some companies value customer feed back and quite often send you a replacement or equivelant.
maybe worth a shot considering the price you paid.

big d
I sent them an email before I bought it as my local cellar doesn't stock it. The place I bought it at is about 4km away and they only had the one case left.... I was thinking of contacting them. It wasn't a bad beer, and I did enjoy drinking it... it just scored low in presentation/packaging.

Yeah bugger it, I have their email address handy. I might just cut and paste my post above into a message to them.
I was drinking Jamison Brewery beers, got a tour of the place and sat there drinking there award pils, dark ale, dark wheat, and even Rasberry ale (interesting and nice but ..... yeah not really for me)

That night i moved to my 6 pack of "beers" all import beers etc, yummy! the worst was Tasmanian bitter or somthing - yuck!

Then i went to LCPA (thanks mate - he had a slab) Then to finish off onto the Sunk Fart (thanks jasye) yummy, well as the sun came up i went to bed,

Woke latter (the last to bed, the first to wake) felling ok, dam tired though, then i laid about waiting for others to wake, a headache kicked in.... then it kicked more, then some more!!! MAN it was killing me, then the killer hang over kicked in :) after a spew and a laydown i was up and kicking again

I blame it on ....... the mass produced beer and lack of sleep ;) never my home brew ......

every one was tring to get some home brew and when i finally gave a glass to the most pissed person there, who swares by VB (hehe) I had to listen for hours about how good VB is for every reason under the sun, When he tried the Skunk Fart, i said now as a VB drinker i dont think you will like it, to bittter to much flavour both malt and hops... his comments, it tastes like lemonade, sweet and not bitter, He had about 7 people on the floor laughing, they had tried it (they were drinking LCPA and enjoyed mine)

just show's what taste a VB drinker has.... poor soul
The only beer I drank NYE was swill. Bad megaswill too (Carlton Draught). It was part of a drinking game so I had no choice!

Rest of the evening sparkling white and JD's were consumed.

I think i was out-beered from christmas! :)
A late reply but...

In my case I bought a sixie of James Squire Pilsner and then drank some champers and a few glasses of red. Kept my homebrew supplies intact after a heavy Xmas of friends trying it... Nothing like the old backyard party...


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