Sanitizing Kegs

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I would assume that the extra bits in napisan (and its no brand alternatives) are likely to mainly be surfactants, very little 'perfume' from what i can detect.

That said, i used the napisan only to clean the kegs etc not sanitise. I use one-shot for that.

I think your probably right - there's probably nothing wrong with napisan for cleaning kegs. I just find it takes quite a few rinses to completely remove the perfume and suds.

I've found sodium percarbonate to be brilliant in cleaning kegs - I put a small cap-full (1 tsp) into the keg, and poor in 1-2 Ltrs of boiling water from the kettle, which instantly starts fizzing like mad. If you close the keg lid quickly and shake the living daylights out of the keg, it cleans the keg, and builds up enough pressure to push all the liquid out of the liquid post - cleaning your beer lines & tap/font in the process!

And just to be sure, I follow this up with a quick keg rinse with no-rinse phosphoric acid sanitiser. Not sure what bugs can survive that onslaught! :p
I've used "Vanish" brand Napisan Oxyaction Max with great results, no perfume. Usually wait until it's on special at the supermarket for about $12-13 for a 2kg. :D
Have a look in aldi for their napisan. Same active ingredient as the other homebrand types and about $2 for 1kg.

After cleaning kegs I will empty them into a 60l fermenter and then use it that later, transfer it into cubes and between fermenters, drop bottles in there and anything else I want cleaned. After you have done this for a while chuck it out and start again.

Give them a spray of no rinse and of you go

Kabooby :)
Sanders asks:
So it is literally called 'caustic soda'?

Common name : caustic soda
chemical name: sodium hydroxide
chemical formula : NaOH

In Woolies, it is sold in a Mechanix branded tub. Found near the Draino. Don't know what it is called in Bunnings.

Treat it with extreme care, read and follow all safety directions. One splash in the eye and bye bye eye.

Sodium percarbonate is also great stuff, as is bleach. Keep the bleach away from your SS kegs. I find a kettle of water as a final rinse following using sodium percarbonate helps remove the last aroma. Aldi or Woolies homebrand stuff, depending on which place I am shopping at.

DO NOT MAKE A COCKTAIL MIX. Use only one cleaning product at a time.

I use something similar to Hutch's suggestion, Doc originally posted it on AHB, so it is Doc's method.

Rinse the keg with plain water.
Pour a kettle of boiling water in, about 2-3 litres.
Add a few teaspoons of your favourite cleaner and put on lid.
Shake, this pressurises the keg.
Briefly depress the liquid poppet valve till cleaner comes out.
Turn keg up side down and press the liquid poppet valve briefly.
Release some cleaner through the relief vlavle.
Shake keg so all internal surfaces have some cleaner.
Leave for 10 minutes and every time you walk past, give it another shake.
Pour out cleaner, rinse with clean water.
Pour in another kettle of boiling water, shake, press the liquid poppet valvle briefly, invert and do the air and relief valves.
Drain, add your favourite sanitiser, swish and purge the keg of sanitiser.
Thanks heaps for all the info, with all the replys and links i've managed to answer all of my questions.

Hutch, thanks for the info re: oxyper = pure sodium percarbonate, and that coopers brewing 'sanitiser' is sodium percarbonate too.

I've since been reading on other topics that some guys use a commercial brewers product called by ALL of the following names:
- Prox, Proxitane or Peroxyacetic based sanitiser

Is this one safe on S/S? Where have people located it before?

Thanks again!
... more details on how to do that then please, Doc.


Proxitane is a commercial grade use product, especially for brewers and those in the milk game.

Try Campbells Clean Tech, I believe they have outlets in all citys, could be wrong. (S.A. is ok)

Mudsta :beerbang:
Whats wrong with regular bleach or milton?

Made in a ratio of 1:25 and needs to be rinsed post sterilization. But if its good for babies, its good for me!
Whats wrong with regular bleach or milton?

Made in a ratio of 1:25 and needs to be rinsed post sterilization. But if its good for babies, its good for me!

Bleach damages stainless steel... not sure what it would do at your dilution though.
ever tried milton.... or no name anti bacterial soluition from your locoal supermarket made to the same dilution?
ever tried milton.... or no name anti bacterial soluition from your locoal supermarket made to the same dilution?

Have a read of the active ingredients and go from there. Google will reveal all. If it is bleach or sodium metabisulphite, there are better alternatives. Either would be last on my list of sanitisers. A better option would be to go to the health and medical aisle and buy some hydrogen peroxide.

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