Receipe Database

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Leanne Deerain

Active Member
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Can anyone tell me when the Receipe DataBase will be up and running. I asked months ago and it is still not up and running on this site. How long will it be please? As people like me would love to get receipes of this site.

yes i am with you leanne

there seems to be a lot of AG and Kits/Kilo recipes on the site but they are not central to the recipe area .
I think it would be nice once the recipe forum is up and going i
but i belive it will need to be in two sub headings




DELBOY :ph34r:
How are your PHP/SQL/Invision Board programming skills Leanne and Delboy ? If you are skilled drop JasonY a PM and offer to help with the integration work.
It is progressing and looking great, but as it is all volenteer based and we all have lives away from AHB, what more can you ask for ?

Doc said:
How are your PHP/SQL/Invision Board programming skills Leanne and Delboy ? If you are skilled drop JasonY a PM and offer to help with the integration work.
It is progressing and looking great, but as it is all volenteer based and we all have lives away from AHB, what more can you ask for ?


Hey Doc, I'm a PHP web developer with mad skillz with SQL. I'll be more than happy to assist. (I'll PM JasonY)
Doc said:
It is progressing and looking great, but as it is all volenteer based and we all have lives away from AHB, what more can you ask for ?

Nothing... until we have to start paying subscription :huh: hopefully that never happens

My hearty thanks to all the volunteers that keep the lights on at AHB.
This one's for you :chug:
I've been waiting for the Recipes section as well. But considering the fact that none of use has to pay to use this great resource (good thing too as I'm way too much of a tight-@ss to want to pay :blink: ), I'm content to wait.

Great work to all those who keep AHB running!
Yep I have been a bit slck of late :(. Anyhow in terms of an update on where it is. Basically it is 80% complete with the remaining part to be done the recipe entry part. Browsing and viewing of recipes is done. In fact it was all done some time ago but integration into the site was a constant PITA so I have been porting it to the IPB component system which makes it totally seamless.

While I will admit it has been a wait I hope it will be worth it. Hoping to have it complete in the next few weeks and Dane can tie it in with the forum upgrade which I think is not too far off.

Not that pics are that exciting but here are a couple.
Well done jason its looking the goods.

Big D
Thanks to all the administrators providing the homebrewers with this great resource. Money and beers cannot pay you back for what you have provided us, especially the 'junior' brewers.


Dear All that replied to my request about the Receipe Database. I respect and appreciate everyone's opinion and I did not realise it was volunteer based at all, so firstly I want to apologise on my part for not knowing this. I can now appreciate the enormity of this job and getting it up and running for our benefit. I will truly appreciate these receipes when they are on this database and in particular if there will be ones for Ginger Beer, and Sweet Apple cider that would be great. Also any good Port or Wine receipes would be gratefully received as well when you have the time.

All things do take time and now I will be patient and it will be worth waiting for I am sure.

Thank you all again and accept this as an apology as I had no idea this site was done on a part time basis. We all lead busy lives and it is hard to find the time to do everything and when it is on a volunteer basis it is even harder.

I am with leenne, I cant belive a forum of this quality is run by not for profit.

Keep up the great work
That's looking great JasonY. A very easy format on the eye :super:

Can't wait to try out a few of those recipies either :D
Very nice reply above Leanne. Good on you! It looks as though a few others didn't realise the site was run on a volunteer basis so you're not alone there!

From what I've picked up, there are also a few financial costs to running the site (bandwidth rental etc.) so if anyone occassionally has a couple of dollars to spare, you can PayPal AHB. There's a, 'Support Aussie Home Brewer,' thing at the bottom of every page. Just click on this.

(Personally I think it should be at the top of every page underneath, 'Online Users,' and I reckon Visa capabilities are a must as, for me, to use PayPal takes about 40 minutes remembering passwords etc., whilst pulling the credit card out of the wallet that is sitting right beside me now.... too easy! :rolleyes: It took me weeks to even notice the PayPal thingo.)

There's also another thread happening here where you can buy AHB stubbie holders or caps. You're probably a bit late for this but could always PM GMK who has put a hell of a lot of work into organising this fundraiser for AHB.

One final thing is, you can buy hops/yeast from Craft Brewer now (see thingo above Online Users!) and some money from your purchase will go to AHB.

By the way, I have no affiliation with AHB apart from taking up 20% of their bandwidth in writing posts that grow to an unreasonable size. Look what I just wrote now! :unsure:

Jason Y, the recipe thingo above looks simply excellent. All I can do to help is offer to buy you some beers when next in Perth.

PP I think that the caps & holders are still open

GMK wrote
"no - still time for you to order a hat...

I will be away from 12th - 19th...

so - will see about getting the order under way on Tuesday so taht it will be ready when i get back."

Being a new guy on the block, I am always on this site and find it absolutely amazing at the content of which I can either find or ask for help. And it all couldn't happen without the endless work of the few blokes that keep this thing running!
Jason, the new recipe sheets look great and I can't wait to start wasting countless hours reading through them! :beerbang:
They look great! Not only is it pleasing to the eye, but the layout is logical and easy to find what is needed.

I'm sure everyone on the board is greatful for the many hours that you have put into making it all work. I know I certainly would have thrown my arms in the air and screamed long ago if I had been working on it...
I just wanted to add a 'WOW!' That database looks absolutely excellent, JasonY. I've seen a few databases around but that one is certainly the best formed one.

And since this seems to be the thread for it - thanks to those running the site for doing so. I know it takes a lot of work to run a large board like this one. :)

