Raise The Bar Protest At Parliment House Today

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More info at : http://www.raisethebar.org.au/

Join the Raise the Bar team for a protest at Parliament House today!

16th October

If you're in the city today you can help raise the profile of our campaign.

The Raise the Bar team have organised a surprise Parisian style event outside parliament for our MPs today .. Bring a book, and a glass ( plastic if possible, we'll provide the Chardonnay!), and join us in raising the profile of the sad state of NSW Liquor laws.

From 12:30 2pm, on Macquarie street.


The Raise the Bar team.
Got the email at 10:30am, but couldn't make it.
Did anyone from AHB go along ?

What are these guys asking for? I've looked through a lot of the site, and there's not page which contains a brief precis of what they want changed.
I've heard tho that Micro's are angling for similar tax breaks that the small wine producers enjoy, maybe this is it?
I've heard tho that Micro's are angling for similar tax breaks that the small wine producers enjoy, maybe this is it?

The Raise the Bar movement was formed to try to get Liquor Laws changed in NSW to allow small bars and restaurants in the centre of the city of Sydney to trade more liberally or to exist at all. Also it is meant to clear red tape as was done in Victoria where lots of laneways were revitalised by allowing smaller intimate bars with no pokies to open or restaurants to trade on a drinks only basis - no need to dine - as there is now. The cost of getting these sorts of licences is outrageous in NSW.

The Hotels Association in NSW has the Government unashamedly by the short and curlies, as it is a major donor, and it is not leading to good policy on liquor reform. The President, John Thorpe, is on record as saying Sydney doesn't want to sit around drinking chardonnay and reading books in bars. Of course he wants everyone funnelled into his pubs which tend to be the megaswill and pokies palaces.

I am personally a great fan of the Victorian model of liquor licencing and also its restaurants and "foody markets" and love visiting whenever I can. NSW is falling behind because its Government is a crock frankly. This is my milder version of my response hahaha Cheerz Wab
Cost of licensing is one aspect, but also the effort to retain. My Vic Licence was 4 pages and 3 weeks. NSW Brewers was 150 pages of afficdavit, 3 appearances at the Liquor and Gaming Court, 7 months... yadda.. yadda... yadda... not pretty when lawyers in the feild are $6-800 an hour...


The Raise the Bar movement was formed to try to get Liquor Laws changed in NSW to allow small bars and restaurants in the centre of the city of Sydney to trade more liberally or to exist at all. Also it is meant to clear red tape as was done in Victoria where lots of laneways were revitalised by allowing smaller intimate bars with no pokies to open or restaurants to trade on a drinks only basis - no need to dine - as there is now. The cost of getting these sorts of licences is outrageous in NSW.

The Hotels Association in NSW has the Government unashamedly by the short and curlies, as it is a major donor, and it is not leading to good policy on liquor reform. The President, John Thorpe, is on record as saying Sydney doesn't want to sit around drinking chardonnay and reading books in bars. Of course he wants everyone funnelled into his pubs which tend to be the megaswill and pokies palaces.

I am personally a great fan of the Victorian model of liquor licencing and also its restaurants and "foody markets" and love visiting whenever I can. NSW is falling behind because its Government is a crock frankly. This is my milder version of my response hahaha Cheerz Wab
Got a call from a mate today too, asking when I was opening a small bar <_< :huh: !?!?!?!
Got a call from a mate today too, asking when I was opening a small bar <_< :huh: !?!?!?!

Yeah, you are looking at opening a large bar eh Linz :p , or maybe lots of small bars all adjacent to each other

did someone say small intimate bars with NO POKIES!!

sounds positive to me.

another negative regarding NSW's licencing is that developers buy out country pubs and transfer the licence to city pubs, closing country facilities which sux if you ask me.

Im no expert on the subject but i hope the problems can be resolved for all the small battlers out there.

A bit more on the story here.

Somebody is not happy, Iem. :lol:

THE hotel industry is furious about the Government's move to allow small bars to be introduced throughout NSW, claiming it has received little in return for the millions it donates to the ALP.

And seems like there might be more in the legislation that might make us all happy in NSW.

The bill, which is still about a fortnight away from Parliament, will allow wineries and boutique breweries to charge for tastings, and remove restrictions on motels selling alcohol.

:beer: :icon_chickcheers:
"THE hotel industry is furious about the Government's move to allow small bars to be introduced throughout NSW, claiming it has received little in return for the millions it donates to the ALP."

That's a pretty blatant acknowledgement that groups expect to get favours for political donations....
I thought the system wasn't meant to work like that :)
A bit more on the story here.

Somebody is not happy, Iem. :lol:
And seems like there might be more in the legislation that might make us all happy in NSW.

Is there any talk on what liquor can be sold at these small bars ? I'm for a simpler system but would hate to see the local cafe selling stubbies of VB to supplement their trade. I'm happy to see most of the sillier liquor laws removed, but what makes sense in Sydney will not make sense in most of the bush towns.
Is there any talk on what liquor can be sold at these small bars ? I'm for a simpler system but would hate to see the local cafe selling stubbies of VB to supplement their trade.

Some responsible drinkers drink wine; some drink spirits; some drink boutique beer; while others drink VB. There isn't a secret ingredient in VB that makes people act like yobos (well, nothing that's not in other beers :)). People have different reasons for drinking what they do. For some it's the taste; for some it's the price; for most, it's a combination of the two.

A licensed cafe would be silly to sell only VB when they could provide a variety of drinks. Likewise, they'd be silly not to offer VB. With this law comes choice. Let people drink what they want, safely and responsibly.
Just got the email.
The bill has been passed.

Congratulations! The NSW Parliament has passed the Liquor Bill 2007 paving the way for a vibrant and diverse cultural future for NSW.


Just got the email.
The bill has been passed.

Great news.

Now we just need to get this mob to get the tax breaks for microbreweries that 'boutique' wineries get.......
Now we just need to get this mob to get the tax breaks for microbreweries that 'boutique' wineries get.......

I agree, but baby steps :p
And this was State Legislation, whereas BET would be Federal. Maybe the new govt will have fresh ears for the lobby group (fingers crossed).

While this means zero for me personally, I am applauding.
I agree, but baby steps :p
And this was State Legislation, whereas BET would be Federal. Maybe the new govt will have fresh ears for the lobby group (fingers crossed).


Perhaps if we to to mention that the Howard Government was totally against it....... :D

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