wow...I never thought so many OMs turned theire shacks into brewhouses <_<
Ive been very active with my hobby at that time (from 1968 til ~1985), mostly at 2m and 70cm. Because Ive been a very young guy for the first time, I didnt had money enough to buy me any equipment, had to build everything by myself, first time X-tal controlled, later VFO-controlled.
Fortunately close to my home there were a large TV-Factory (Grundig) and some day I found out, there is a lot of electronic waste in theire rubbish container, so I took many electronic parts with me to use it for my hobby.
I still own a huge box full with QSO-cards, thausends of QSO-cards, cant throw it away.
Ex VK4 here, licensed in the Seventies. A few achievements, a VK rememberence day winner, 6M into JA via TD using home brewed comms computer repeating my Callsign in CW. Tried 432Mhz Moon Bounce into JA using Yagi array with azmith and elevation control, used an apple pc to figure the time for the window into JA and a whopper of an amp with fan cooled tubes. About 1979 just missed out by 8k on making the 2M trip SSB and FM from Qld into Tas. Another ham was 8k further North than I was.
wow, Screwtop, congratulations, very impressive.
Are you listed in the 1979 Callbook Zwickel? still have one here.
of course, should be, Im still paying my license fee, so I should be still in there even in the new ones.
I couldnt make up my mind to return the license, although Im not gonna use it anymore.
My heart will break if I havent my license anymore.
Any of you ever had an RF burn to your lip from a mesh mic cover, used to use a Wyndham and it used to mod the fluro desk lamp in the shack
oh...not exactly that, but innumerable often I burnt my fingers with HF.
oh man, what was it a nice time....