Possible Brewing Problems.

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Brewers are like parents in so many ways.

We worry about the health and well-being of our children (yeast), feed them well (good quality wort) and try to keep them out of harm's way (bacterial infections).

The beer is most likely slowing down. Because your beer was started at a higher temperature, the fermentation will be faster than normal. This is not a bad thing because the "lag" time between pitching the yeast and the progression to full ferment will be less, reducing the risk of infection.

The other thing that may happen is the seal is not quite airtight meaning the pressure of the CO2 is causing it to escape via the leak and not bubbling through the airlock.
Brewers are like parents in so many ways.

We worry about the health and well-being of our children (yeast), feed them well (good quality wort) and try to keep them out of harm's way (bacterial infections).

The beer is most likely slowing down. Because your beer was started at a higher temperature, the fermentation will be faster than normal. This is not a bad thing because the "lag" time between pitching the yeast and the progression to full ferment will be less, reducing the risk of infection.

The other thing that may happen is the seal is not quite airtight meaning the pressure of the CO2 is causing it to escape via the leak and not bubbling through the airlock.

Hahaha, I aint having children for a LOOOONNNGGG time (hopefully never), in fact the current people I live with (aren't even on the lease) are being kicked out because they want to start a family (but that's only one of the many reasons).. I don't wanna live with a baby waking me up and sh*t with it's crying.. I was on the lease (and found this place) before any of the housemates (who've come and gone) so why should I move?

So in that sense, I don't like children. They're noisy, wet/poo their pants and run a muck around the house... Although I do understand what you're saying.. But in my case.. My beer brew is more like: "the most important thing in the world to me"... Coz sh*t! I LOVE BEER!!!

Also I got home a while ago after a night on the piss and I haven't heard the airlock bubble in a long time.. But right now I can't be stuffed waiting to see if it will or not... So I'll do this tomorrow (today even since it's 5:30am)...

What I would like to know is.. How long should I wait before there's no bubbling before I use the hydrometer to do a test to see if it's ready? Also the coopers video (and manual) said the hydrometer reading has to be the same on two consecutive days. Is there a certain level or whatever I don't want the reading on the hydrometer to be?

Or more importantly.. Should I just wait until the 6 days are up before I do the test? Coopers recommends testing with the hydrometer after 6 days.. But you said it might be fermenting quicker, so what do you think I should do?
I like yeast because it p!sses alcohol and farts CO2.

You can take readings any time you feel like it but I would suggest sticking to the six days as suggested. The reading, when the ferment is finished, will be in the region of 1.008 or thereabouts but its true the readings must be consistent over two days.

I wish you well, brother brewer, for your first brew. I'm off to Czech Republic for a few days. You can PM me to let me know how you're going.

Hahaha, I aint having children for a LOOOONNNGGG time (hopefully never), in fact the current people I live with (aren't even on the lease) are being kicked out because they want to start a family (but that's only one of the many reasons).. I don't wanna live with a baby waking me up and sh*t with it's crying.. I was on the lease (and found this place) before any of the housemates (who've come and gone) so why should I move?

So in that sense, I don't like children. They're noisy, wet/poo their pants and run a muck around the house... Although I do understand what you're saying.. But in my case.. My beer brew is more like: "the most important thing in the world to me"... Coz sh*t! I LOVE BEER!!!

just remember mate your parents had to put up with this **** otherwise you wouldnt be here,and my opinion is if you dont replace yourself thats being selfish. Having a kid will raise your stress threshold aswell so youll be a relaxed old man with his brew shed thats accomplished everything in life.and a family to spend time with when you get older and remember the good old days. like now!

oh and someone to help you clean ur bottles thats an advantage.

just my opinion,
cheers kingy
just remember mate your parents had to put up with this **** otherwise you wouldnt be here,and my opinion is if you dont replace yourself thats being selfish. Having a kid will raise your stress threshold aswell so youll be a relaxed old man with his brew shed thats accomplished everything in life.and a family to spend time with when you get older and remember the good old days. like now!

oh and someone to help you clean ur bottles thats an advantage.

just my opinion,
cheers kingy

Mate, I know exactly what I was like as a kid, and seeing how other kids are at my current age adds to me not wanting them. I wouldn't want any little me's running around. My mum abandoned me when I was 13, I was lucky my Dad (who divorced my mum when I was 6 for another woman) took care of me til I was 18. Then I was on my own (have been for almost 6 years) looking after myself.

I know that 50% of marriages end in divorce (That's an old statistic, it's probably more now), and I know most women are mind-f*cks.. All that said, I'd rather live by myself and never have kids.

As far as being selfish goes. Nah mate, it's called "freedom of choice". Just like you have the "freedom of speech" to try and tell me I'm being selfish, even though by doing that you're being arrogant.

If I were to sit down and do everything people told me to I wouldn't truly be free. Same goes for voicing me words, "freedom of speech" in this country is still something we have absolute control over. You can't just take that away like the americans are taking Hicks right to talk about his 5 years in guantanamo away. -- Which is pretty damn arrogant if you ask me.

Lastly; I never said I wouldn't have kids, just that I wouldn't have them for a long time. If I can find the right woman for me, someone who doesn't try to change me too much or control my life (which most women seem to do), then I'll be happy.
Awww man :( ... I broke the hydrometer; I had taken a reading last night while drunk because I hadn't heard the air-lock bubble for a while. I had then taken it to the sink to rinse the beer off it and the tube the beer gets poured into.. I dropped it on the sink from like a height of 5cms or less and the glass broke!

Why didn't I wait until the six days were up -Rubs his head in frustration-..

Is there another way I can tell the beer is ready? Anyone? :(
Don't deal with your children while drunk.

There are other ways to check the gravity, but the cheapest and quickest way is to use a hydrometer. Understanding specific gravity is an important part of brewing.

Off to your local HBS to buy one. There is a thread on AHB about the best brewshops including those in the Newcastle area. The range of goodies plus excellent advice will make it worth your while. Afraid they won't accept Myer's staff discount cards though.
i wasnt being arrogant mate i was just voicing my opinion i forgot all about this post untill just now. I was in the same boat as you divorced parents and stuff and it does make you a stronger person when u grow up and become aware of yourself and your past of defining life changing moments.

and i wasnt trying to offer you guidence and tell you what you should do or where you should go with your life everyone one is different,if everyone was the same it would be a boring place.

i just cant understand why some people hate kids with a passion.

sorry if i offended you mate it wasnt my intention

cheers kingy