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Well-Known Member
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Maryland, Newcastle,New South Wales, Australia, Ea
Hi i know its a long shot but if someone could do a thread explaining how to do extract or partial mash in absolute explanatory. :D would be a huge help for us k and k's to move on.

As i have searched far and wide and the info just doesnt have any oooomf behind it to give me a push.

if u need a hand this is what wort games done on "How To Keg" (starts at post 6)

if someone done a photo shoot of there next brew up it could help a lot of us :D

alltho im wanting to do AG i think i could squeeze a couple of partials in on the way.

go on some-one have a stab at it :ph34r:
Hey there Kingy,

Check out

How to Brew is by John Palmer and is one of the seminal homebrew texts. Read the online version and buy the book version, you'll refer to it for years.

In the online version, Part 1 takes you through a full boil extract brew with hops. Part 2 does a partial mash and Part 3 is AG.

It is clearly explained and includes pictures. If you have any questions then post them to the forum after you have read it. It is an awesome resource which will answer most of your questions.
Matey, seriously you will just have to do what all of us have done in the past.

Read how to brew,Link here.
It really is the most simple step by step guide there is.This guy has done exactly what u r asking and its on the net 4 Free
section one and two will help u heaps to start ,and then read AG section and go to a demo or pester a brewer in your area to let u watch one being done..

Good luck and happy reading.

I can't imagine you would be able to find a better explanation than Palmer. Read it free online but the book is worth every cent.
Do a search restricted to Cubbie as the poster, I seem to recall he put together a definitive post on partials?
Hi i know its a long shot but if someone could do a thread explaining how to do extract or partial mash in absolute explanatory. :D would be a huge help for us k and k's to move on.

As i have searched far and wide and the info just doesnt have any oooomf behind it to give me a push.

if u need a hand this is what wort games done on "How To Keg" (starts at post 6)

if someone done a photo shoot of there next brew up it could help a lot of us :D

alltho im wanting to do AG i think i could squeeze a couple of partials in on the way.

go on some-one have a stab at it :ph34r:
Not one of the smickest set-ups you will see going around "but" it has not cost me a fortune. Urn cost me a few beers, mashtun "Borrowed" from GMK and the old gas copper I have had for years for cooking yabbies and crabs. Beer stilled turned out OK for my first AG, which was made at Xmas. :party:

Cheers BYB

Hi i know its a long shot but if someone could do a thread explaining how to do extract or partial mash in absolute explanatory. :D would be a huge help for us k and k's to move on.

As i have searched far and wide and the info just doesnt have any oooomf behind it to give me a push.

if u need a hand this is what wort games done on "How To Keg" (starts at post 6)

if someone done a photo shoot of there next brew up it could help a lot of us :D

alltho im wanting to do AG i think i could squeeze a couple of partials in on the way.

go on some-one have a stab at it :ph34r:

surely your local Home Brew Shop can steer you in the right direction , if not change shops ...
these blokes are up your way aren't they?

they even have a partial mash demo on 7 May this year & they do AG demo's too I think.
I did 2 partial mashes and thought to myself............. a partial is just a small AG.

All you need is bigger volumes to go all the way.

go for it

I've got to vouch for Palmer too.

I made my first extract beer a few weeks ago by following 'The Book' and it's turned out great. Very easy, all you need is a little time and a big pot. (And don't add your hops in the wrong order or you have to rush off and reformulate the recipe while boiling :D !
I must of gone against the grain so to speak. I tried reading that Palmers but it didnt take my fancy..

I found this thread to be the one :

Also i downloaded a PDF off this site by Jayse entitled "AUSSIE_HOME_BREWER_GUIDE_6.PDF" but i cant find the link to it anywhere anymore. The PDF is still on my desktop so i can e-mail it to ya if ya like.

Like anything u can read and read and read but until you actually do it practically, it the only way ur gonna learn.

Just realised i can attach the PDF. Check it...

View attachment AUSSIE_HOMEBREWER_GUIDE_6.pdf
these blokes are up your way aren't they?

they even have a partial mash demo on 7 May this year & they do AG demo's too I think.

yea thats where i get all my ingredients from and a top bloke he is :beer:
7th of may is to far away for me and i like it when i can see whats being done in picture form.

ive done a heap of reading on "the next step" so much that i dream about what ive read about (it just keeps rolling over and over in my head :eek:

ive followed the link to how to brew and that should settle me out a bit. i just get some gear together and get some more hands on experience.

pictures tell a 1000 words.

cheers everyone
mate i gotta make a trip to blayney in the very near future if you like i can talk the missus into letting me come and show you how to do a partial mash on the way up or back , im no expert by any means , but ive done more than a few of them now and they have all turned out pretty nicely.... ill even supply the equipment you just gotta get your recipe sorted and get your grains and malts and hops together before hand(i can even arrange that if your a bit nervous about it , just name the recipe) .... if your keen let me know so i can start negotiating with the war dept ...
thanks everyone so much for all the helpful links that was exactly what i was after, everything is clear to me now :beerbang: and thats exactly what i want to do, im ready to be scientist kingy :D

im understanding all the AG lingo its awesome. looks like fun and exciting.

time to start buying some gear

thx again fellas,im ready for the next move.
go for it KINGY !!! there are some very simple things out there to make life very easy too ...

take a look at im pretty sure they describe a partial mash procedure pretty well on there ...

see what happens when you offer a guy help , male pride and instinct take over and he sorts himself just nicely ...LOL
(offers still there if youre interested )
these blokes are up your way aren't they?

they even have a partial mash demo on 7 May this year & they do AG demo's too I think.

yea thats where i get all my ingredients from and a top bloke he is
7th of may is to far away for me and i like it when i can see whats being done in picture form.

Mate, I know exactly what you mean. I was confused about the whole AG process too but as soon as I saw someone actually doing it it all made sense.

Maybe if you have a chat to the bmbrews guy he may be doing a brew before 7 May & let you watch?
