Pick Up Tube In A Keggle And Hot Break

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Hi all,

I need to install a pick up tube in my BIAB Keg as it has a domed bottom I am loosing a bit of wort. My concern is that if I aim the tube right in the bottom of the keg I am going to pick up the hot break.

How do I get around this?

I cant install a false bottom as my elements will get in the way

I'd leave it away from the center. Just add a liter (or what ever magic number number) for dead space in the kettle to your brew software.

When you work it out using standard rounded numbers
4.5kg per brew
23L per brew

4.5/23 = 190g grain for that litre. A handful of grain, to allow clearer wort.

Keep us posted what you come up with mate, i have the same problem. Im losing about 5l at the moment unless i tilt the keg over
I just syphon. It's pretty quick but I understand the desire to have everything tap operated
Keep us posted what you come up with mate, i have the same problem. Im losing about 5l at the moment unless i tilt the keg over

something is wrong with your pick up mate, my keggle had a dead space of 1.5l including all hops and trub + a little bit of clear wort at the side.


pickup is about 0.5 - 1mm from the steel

Yep, i dont have a pick up thats the main problem i think.

Gunna bend up a copper tube tonite and fit it.
something is wrong with your pick up mate, my keggle had a dead space of 1.5l including all hops and trub + a little bit of clear wort at the side.

View attachment 56899

pickup is about 0.5 - 1mm from the steel


That's exactly how I run mine.

To the OP, iamozziyob's pic is worth 1,000 words :D
With BIAB, yes you will get bigger losses from trub but you didn't loose as much in the tun etc, it's all about fermenter efficiency, not Trub loss..... 3V and herms will always get you better efficiency but it's about what suits you!!

My 2C

I know the OP is talking keggle but this PU tube, in a pot, has always stuck in my mind:


Otherwise Yobs looks the goods!


that was a particularly good one - i dont take photos of all my trub.

and BDB is right, you'll never get that sort of result from biab. that pic is after mashing in my rims, with a m/out. probably leave more than half of my hot break in the MT... super clean wort.
that was a particularly good one - i dont take photos of all my trub.

and BDB is right, you'll never get that sort of result from biab. that pic is after mashing in my rims, with a m/out. probably leave more than half of my hot break in the MT... super clean wort.

It was indeed mate, glad you got that pic tho!

I am wiring my PID for my rims this week, I hope my 3 element kettle ends up like that :(

Still, good PU design what ever method.
wide pot seems the key I struggled with keggle, As the cone reaches the side alot of the time so you are picking up crap to start with. Got a wide 80lt pot and the trub is about a inch and a half away from the side so easy to drain as much as I can out of it. Slowing the flow when you are reaching the cone will help keeping it intact to if you drain to fast it will just start to break away
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but my 30 minutes or so of searching makes me think this is as good a spot as any.

How do I go about making a pickup tube? At the moment I just have the weldless half inch fitting sticking into my keggle and I'm not sure how I'd go about presumably flaring and securing a pick up tube.

Wouldn't mind just buying one if I could...

Edit: Think I've found what I need.

Seems to the flaring for me.