*edit* keep in mind this is queensland and it is a lynchable offence to bad mouth XXXX
In fact, your friendly XXXX often trolls this site and lives in your suburb. PM me and I will arrange for a free carton to be dropped off for your glowing endorsement.
Cheers, JJ
I too must confess. Ive been out of HB since before Christmas. Friday I resorted to buying (ON SPECIAL) a case of Carlton Cold. Now i will drink any beer but by Sunday I just couldnt bring myself to open one up. It really is a foul sickly sweet brownish water. I grabbed some coopers instead and will leave the CC for visitors. Lobsta you are not alone.
You know you are suffering when you have to buy Carlton Cold.
I am from Brisbane. XXXX is liquefied asbestos and fiberglass filtered through loosely packed mulch. Prepare your lynch mob.keep in mind this is queensland and it is a lynchable offence to bad mouth XXXX
riday I resorted to buying (ON SPECIAL) a case of Carlton Cold. Now i will drink any beer but by Sunday I just couldnt bring myself to open one up.
thats only coz my first ever batch is still fermenting...Yes you will go to hell...but only from admiting that your are NOT drinking Homebrew...
A friend of mine who has been AG-ing for quite a while told me when i first started moving to AG that it would ruin me for life and that i would never be able to go back. He was right.
I recently took the kids to visit the grandparents and was given a pass for an evening out with the wife. we decided to go down to the local for a drink. My wife offered to go to the bar for the first round and came back with a popular NSW tap beer, i couldnt even get through half of the schooner. Needless to say i didnt drink any more beer that night and resorted to other beverages for the night.
I guess that is the curse of craft brewing.
I AgreeWally,
No, I doubt it as Coopers is quite Belgian to my tastes.