Have had an iPad for about 6 months now and rarely used my laptop since - unfortunately brewing was not the priority when it was purchased, however, it works really well as a brewing tool. Never really standardised on brewing software for the pc. Bought Beer Alchemy, works really nicely on the iPad and being able to walk around the "Brewery" and keep my inventory up to date, notes on the go through brew day and tweak the recipe as you go is fantastic. If you need an iPad for other work, it makes a fantastic brewing adjunct. Couldn't justify it as a purely brewing tool though. Also haven't found them to be that fragile. Buy a good cover - particularly one that protects the edges - and they are pretty robust. Mine also regularly used by my 2, 3 and 6 year olds.
Other bits - following brewing blogs and forums, free historical brewing ebooks, youtube brewing tv.
Never been an "apple man" but these things really are very good. Also an excellent thing if you have young kids, they love em!