Pc Laptop Vs Ipad For Brewing Software.

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What one would you pick and why?
I'm trying to decide which one I'll go for, so I thought I'd put it out to the learned people here.
What one would you pick and why?
I'm trying to decide which one I'll go for, so I thought I'd put it out to the learned people here.
I'll be taking it to the shed for brewing and whatnot so the lightness of the iPad appeals to me. Apart from web browsing and brewing software it won't get used for much else.
What one would you pick and why?
I'm trying to decide which one I'll go for, so I thought I'd put it out to the learned people here.

LMAO - sounds like a first world problem to me, just pick which one is cheaper
You could put together 2x PC that would be more then capable for use with brewing software for the price of a iPad. I'd we way to scared to use a fragile iPad around my brewery...
Depends. :D

What software do you want to use? Beersmith runs on both PC and Mac, but does not run on iPad.
I got a P4 / XP lappy for $35 (posted) for brewing. Runs brewmate, thats about all it needs to do.
Ive got an iPad but i dont use it on brewday. I use it to come up with some recipes as by the time my laptop turns on i can create a recipe in either ibrewmaster or beer alchemy on the ipad.

I have a netbook which i got cheap at officeworks. It lives in the brewery and thats what i use for brewdays with brewmate. Can also print out recipes easier from laptop rather than having to email it from an ipad to the same bloody computer anyway.

Sent from my wankPad
Have had an iPad for about 6 months now and rarely used my laptop since - unfortunately brewing was not the priority when it was purchased, however, it works really well as a brewing tool. Never really standardised on brewing software for the pc. Bought Beer Alchemy, works really nicely on the iPad and being able to walk around the "Brewery" and keep my inventory up to date, notes on the go through brew day and tweak the recipe as you go is fantastic. If you need an iPad for other work, it makes a fantastic brewing adjunct. Couldn't justify it as a purely brewing tool though. Also haven't found them to be that fragile. Buy a good cover - particularly one that protects the edges - and they are pretty robust. Mine also regularly used by my 2, 3 and 6 year olds.

Other bits - following brewing blogs and forums, free historical brewing ebooks, youtube brewing tv.

Never been an "apple man" but these things really are very good. Also an excellent thing if you have young kids, they love em!


Thinking of getting the new asus transformer prime which will run on android ics, are there any brewing apps for android?
Currently use bs2.
if you just plan to view pdf / txt files during the brew session there are loads of cheap tablets that will do the job for much cheaper than an iPad!

otherwise get an old laptop with wifi ... or pickup an old PC from hard rubbish collection..
Why spend $700+ when an old pc with wireless will work and can be dedicated in the brewery to that task only? I'd rather spend the $700 on brewery bling.

I run a PC with Ubuntu and ProMash. The new brewery will have Cat5 network connectivity, cable is laid and just waiting.
Laptop, plus one note. Whenever I have an idea of something to brew it goes in my onenote file. Later it gets turned into a recipe.
When are they going to release an imed for stuck up @&%$#
I cant comment on apples products, They were **** and I dont think I could scrap there crap off the pavement to use one. Although my misses has a iphone I answer it once a year under protest but thats about it. For $700 I could be 90% the way there to make a mad arse gaming machine that could **** on apple with a click of a button lol

Well I guess you can see I dont like them. If its just for the brewery get a cheap laptop with xp or something and install linux if you want to do a little more with it, but purely for brewing software I wouldnt waste my money on a new anything. I got a laptop and a desktop and I usually print my brew sheets out so dont find the laptop useful at all for brewing.

So to me I cannot see the point in it. If you need a new PC build one to your specs its not hard. The hardest part is putting the right amount of thermal paste on the CPU lol . Well wait no in my case its doing up the cpu clip as there is no room (should get a smaller CPU cooler, but it works at 3.6ghz :p )
If you still can't decide; quill and parchment won't let you down. No wifi though.
Yeah cracked me up too, do I choose the latest gimmick or something that is proven......

iPad is definately more portable than a laptop. But less powerful than a laptop. It's really portability vs power.
you can do pretty much all you need to brewing wise on an iPad. Then again, its a toy. I'd get a mac air if I was to spend in that price range for sheer portability + function.

Else, whats wrong with pen and paper :)
Buy an 2nd hand lappy, run Ubuntu linux with Promash...


Buy tablet and install Ubuntu on the tablet

Disclaimer.... I am not a fan of windows, and Win7 really does suck a biscuit .....
lol I agree with stu windows sucks and the future is not looking good. I got windows 8 developer and its made for a tablet or touch screen and makes it a royal pain in the arse to use on a desktop. How do you run promash on linux??? I wont run linux if I have to put wine on it. Thats why I dual boot have beersmith on windows and run games on windows. I wont put wine on linux seems a waste of time to go to linux to run windows programs. lol

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