Mundine V Soliman

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Mundine or Soliman

  • Mundine (the man)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Soliman (the king)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


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How do you think will win? and comments about the fight?
I just hope that Mundine gets smashed everytime...been great once, still got the poster from the paper with him all horizontal..keeps mouthing how 'great' he is.......

Show it!, don't keep saying it...He wasn't and isn't the best in rugby league(thats right; the two competing with him in his playing position were Fittler and Johns)....entertaining at best; then and still and probably always will be
I just hope that Mundine gets smashed everytime...been great once, still got the poster from the paper with him all horizontal..keeps mouthing how 'great' he is.......

Show it!, don't keep saying it...He wasn't and isn't the best in rugby league(thats right; the two competing with him in his playing position were Fittler and Johns)....entertaining at best; then and still and probably always will be

I disagree but that's what the thread is about, I would have rathered mundine at 5/8th over barrett anyday he was good could have won the gf in 99 for us but hogged the ball and dropped it over the line.

He speaks his mind thats what I like, he only says what we all think (political wise) it's just people are to gutless to say what he says so they just think it. That is why he calls him self the man cause he is the only bloke with the balls to say his peace. Burning the aussie flag? Questionalble, it's a hit at johnny! :eek: Which we would love to do but don't, again he speaks his mind. He is a entertainer, I love seeing someone take a blow and taunt back after a hit, he aint no "ALI" his aussie's mundine and because everyone else hates him, people believe they should too.............It's drummed in your heads that his a dick! :eek:

He will win and win by the 10th round.

LINZ, what do you think about gaz mate? can we survive without him? Hornby at 5/8th I reackon anyone can play half.
He speaks his mind thats what I like, he only says what we all think (political wise) it's just people are to gutless to say what he says so they just think it. That is why he calls him self the man cause he is the only bloke with the balls to say his peace. Burning the aussie flag? Questionalble, it's a hit at johnny! :eek: Which we would love to do but don't, again he speaks his mind. He is a entertainer, I love seeing someone take a blow and taunt back after a hit, he aint no "ALI" his aussie's mundine and because everyone else hates him, people believe they should too.............It's drummed in your heads that his a dick! :eek:

I doubt the general Australian public beleive that burning the flag and threating to destroy government is good practice. I don't support John Howards foreign policy but I sure as hell don't advocate destroying the governing system of this country.

We have due political process. Why not follow it if he has a problem with it. Why not join a party and help out? Hell, run for office if he's that passionate about it. Mouthing off about subjects without any good fact or support is just rhetoric.
We live in a democracy, more people voted for Johnny, Johnny got elected. Name for me one PM whom everyone was happy with.

I don't care how good a boxer he is, burning a flag is just complete idiocy; it's not a political statement it's illegal. Too many blows to the head.

Hope it's a good, long fight and the best boxer wins.
We live in a democracy, more people voted for Johnny, Johnny got elected. Name for me one PM whom everyone was happy with.

I don't care how good a boxer he is, burning a flag is just complete idiocy; it's not a political statement it's illegal. Too many blows to the head.

Hope it's a good, long fight and the best boxer wins.

Flag burning is not a crime.
Flag burning should be a crime, *********.

And i hope mundine loses. I can't stand the smart mouth bastard.
Flag burning should be a crime, *********.

And i hope mundine loses. I can't stand the smart mouth bastard.

so you agree to the war? Maybe if one of your loved one's was over in iraq you will change your mind?
HE's got balls to say whatever, I respect people who are straight out with what they feel, I have no disrespect to anyone comments on this issue...
lets just hope the fight is entertaining
Disagreement with foreign policy is one thing, but burning a symbol of our democracy and suggesting the destruction of our system of government is totally different in my opinion.

All people like this do is undermine the efforts by others to use our democratic system effectively, by loose association of their views.
Firstly let me point out that I do not know what Mundine said, so I neither agree or disagree with him until I read it.

The Australian flag is not a symbol of the government, our democracy, or system of governance. Rather, it is a symbol of the Australian state, and that difference needs to be emphasised. Government is a group of parties or associations which run the institutions of state, and the flag does not represent this. The state is the set of institutions that run the internationally recognised area referred to as 'Australia' (and of course you have the sub-national states that go along with it, but that's another matter entirely).

Burning the flag represents rejection of the manner in which the state's institutions are carrying out the policies created by the legislative and pursued by the executive. While there is certainly a correlation between protesting the state and protesting government, as the two are intrinsically linked (especially in Australia's system of fusing legislative and executive powers), the two are not necessarily the same.
I have met Mundine a few times. He's really polite and I would say a gentleman. Except when he gets on tv. I think he believes he has to build himself up with stupid hype. His dodgy manager encourages him.

Just plain old dumb burning the flag. (and very bloody disrespectful)
Mundine keeps getting kicked in the guts by all the so called " arm chair experts " but he still keeps winning easy....he is clearly the best boxer in Australia.

Rook :D
wooohoooo yer what arrrh huh, aint saying nothing hey guy's," KNOCKED HIS ASS OUT" yer! :lol:
Burning the aussie flag?

Just a quick note for everyone having a go at Mundine for burning the flag. In the video clip it is a Union Flag that is burnt (it's not the Union Jack unless it's flown at the bow of a ship), not the Australian Flag

It was a comment on the colinisation of land that as an indigenous person, he believes was wrong. Undoubtebly his frustration is compunded by continual refusal from succesive Australian governments to formally recognise the effective theft of Aboriginal land and the destruction of their way of life.

It must seem hypocritical to many indigenous people that we demand they respect our government, our symbols, our way of life, when Australia was founded upon the destruction of their many nations.

Rant over.

can you imagine what would happen if some one burnt the aboriginal flag?
can you imagine what would happen if some one burnt the aboriginal flag?
Have you seen a aboriginal, Lead the country? Only white old ******s!

:super: who care's what mundine's done he is a legend
Have you seen a aboriginal, Lead the country? Only white old ******s!

You do realise that the National President of the Labor party is an aboriginal? There are (and have been) aboriginal members of state parliment. As well as federal senators (late Neville Bonner).

They may not have held the PM position, however they are instrumental in representing the people.
A disappointing fight in my eyes...Mundine won again....maybe he can find a real opponent....that should get 'em going B)

Saints will do fine without Gaz....Im a big fan of the younger/newer players, they always seem to do better than the big dollar boys..maybe they want it more and the others have already got it???
I'm no Mundine fan, but some of you guys need to open your eyes and realise you can only beat the guys they put in front of you......and he has smashed every Aussie that has had a go at him.......

he is clearly the best boxer in australia by a long way and will beat kessler next time.

I'm no Mundine fan, but some of you guys need to open your eyes and realise you can only beat the guys they put in front of you......and he has smashed every Aussie that has had a go at him.......

he is clearly the best boxer in australia by a long way and will beat kessler next time.


He has actually put a challenge out to Kessler! :eek: Mundine was on sky news last night in a interveiw and put out a challenge to kessler, He also wants to be known as Anthony "2 time" Mundine", & not the man no more........Also stated he does not hate the aussie flag but the union jack he does, as he could not find a flag with the southern cross he was not gonna carry 1 with a union jack wich represents uk not aus which I agree why dont we come up with a new one maybe green and gold with the southern cross.