Miricle / Jockey Box Setup

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hi all,

have recently purchased a couple of kegs and intend on still bottling, just taking them to bbq's and bigger gatherings.

at this stage i dont have the space for a freezer @ home so just want a basic miricle setup.

how does everyone tackle this....... SS coil, copper coil, SS plate.........?????

pics, ideas, suppliers etc would be greatly appreciated.

I have a round 'rubbermaid' type cooler that I put the keg in, fill with ice and then have a bronco tap and gas bulb connector. Works a treat a beer stays cold right thru to next night (at least!)
hey dude, good timing as i'm in the process of thinking about building one myself.

copper might be a bad choice as the beer will react with the copper over time and make your beer bad.

stainless coils and plate chillers would be the next best solution.

but i've been doing some thinking and i doubt i'll be able to get one in time for xmas (pay day is over a week away) so i was thinking of trying the plastic tube approach but not sure about the length.

i'm figuring the beer line tubing in a long enough coil in a ice slurry just might do the trick. i've read about jayse's setup and can get access to large amounts of the line for a test run.

as for stainless coils, GMK or beerbelly might be able to help ??

and yeah, i've done the keg in a bucket with ice before, it does work and works well if you have to have something quick :)