A mash tun doesn't need to be fancy or expensive.
My mash tun is my original 30 litre Coopers fermenter (plastic bucket with clip on lid). It is insulated with a $2 foam camping mat from a discount store, taped on with lots of duct tape. I have a circular hunk of styrofoam which pushes down inside to insulate above the grain bed - that was scrounged from packing material at work. The manifold is a circular piece of half inch diameter soft drawn copper tube made from an off-cut which cost about a dollar at Bunnings. The manifold was slotted with a hacksaw, with a slotted cross piece which connects to a short length of tube which then pushes onto the outlet. The outlet is the original fermenter tap, with the tube from the manifold connected by press fit onto the sediment reducer.
Dirt cheap, dead simple, converted from my original K&K brewery, and it works beautifully. I can make 60% wheat beers without using rice hulls.
A 5kg mash at 3 litres to the kilo only two thirds fills it. I have mashed up to 8kg in it without trouble.