Manifold Vs Two Regulators

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Does running two kegs (via manifold) off the one regulator work reasonably well, or do you get problems and end up wishing you had purchased a second regulator in the first place?
I've got 4 kegs running of the one regulator and a manifold, works great, but you can't have different carbonation pressures like you can with 2 regulators.

As Andrew said, all good.

I'm running 4 kegs of my reg, with the line split using T's. I carb up my kegs at serving pressure no no drama's at all.

works fine. i run 6 kegs off 1 manifold. as Andrew said, only issue is that you cant have 2 differant pressures (ie 1 for lagers and 1 for ales)
Does running two kegs (via manifold) off the one regulator work reasonably well, or do you get problems and end up wishing you had purchased a second regulator in the first place?

They do different jobs really.

Nothing at all wrong with manifolds or using splitters. They do their intended job, which is taking the same gas at the same pressure to multiple kegs.

If you want two different pressures, that's when you want a dual-regulator. Handy if you're picky and want Ales / Lagers at different carbonation levels (I would suggest if you were this kind of person you wouldn't be asking this question), or if you want to carbonate water or scotch and coke mixes etc.
Thanks for posting the question Bruce, I am looking at running 3 kegs from 1 regulator (1 slow carbonation and 2 dispensing) The only downfall I can think of is getting the carbonation level right if I have 2 different styles on tap.

Will follow topic to see what seasoned keggers write.


Edit: Wow you guys were quick. There was no replys when I read the question. :)
i have differant styles on tap and it doesnt really bother me. you can with a manifold, always turn off the outlets to lower carb beers, crank up the gas pressure and let higher carb beers have more carbonation. but then you've got to keep swtiching gas outlets, on and off to keep the pressures right, and mucking around with the regulator. but then again i'll probably get a dual pressure reg at some stage so i can have differant styles on tap with the correct pressure/carbonation. at some stage. ....more important peices of brewing gear to buy
Its easy to run different pressures with one reg and a manifold, especially if you never leave the gas on, just operate on teh pressure in the headspace of the keg.

Dual regs/extra regs are a waste of money, if you really want that option, go to Enzed connectors or similar and get an inline reg, to drop from your higher pressure to your lower pressure, way cheaper unless they have gone up a lot in the last few years.
Thanks for all the input guys, definitely won't bother about the second regulator.
Just picked up a 3 reg manifold for $40 out of an RSL on the weekend and when i got there to pick it up he had a 4 reg manifold sitting on the floor next to it.. long story short
I now have 7 regs :huh: plus the 1 i already had

Shame i only have 3 kegs .. gonna have to start collecting those too soon :)

but really i dont think it really matters.. most ppl have a specific pressure they like their beers served at no matter what the style is .. there is exceptions to this though :p

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