Kegging Question

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hi i heard that you can prime your kegs like you do bottles but i was wondering if you did it this was your beer should be carbonize and do you still need to co2 charge your system from a bottle or is this second stage fermentation enough
My take on it is --

If you prime using sugar (like for bottles) then you are best to bulk prime. You'll still need to leave the keg sit for a couple of weeks before tapping it. When you do put it on the gas it should be good to go straight away, you'll only be using the gas to push the beer out the tap and fill the space left by the beer leaving.

There are adjustable relief valves that you can buy so that when your keg is naturally carbonating it doesn't get over carbonated, check the sponsor sites.
Bit hard to follow that, but:

Yes, you can prime kegs.
Yes, you still need a co2 cylinder to push the beer out. The carbonation in the keg will push some out, but not all, and your beer will then go flat. The bottle helps to push it out, and keep it under pressure so it maintains carbonation.
cheers guys that is what i thought but it is good to get another opinion