K&k For Kilkenny / Boddington's Clone

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Berwick, VIC
Hi all,
I'm a new budding brewer, only done a couple of batches after getting a cooper's kit for xmas, and the misses let me buy bar fridge and upright 351ltr freezer and a temp controller to my suprise, all is good.. :D

But now i'm after a silmilar taste to either a kilkenny or boddington's
any idea's????

thanks in advance

I have a batch of Morgans Royal Oak Amber Ale which I'm told is very similar to Kilkenny. I haven't tasted it yet but it's due to be kegged on Friday so I'll let you know.
Try a search, I know Trough Lolly posted one on here,which I have made...very nice, just can't find the recipe atm


Ok, try this...it made a beer my mates & I called "Kilkenny Bitter" as it seemed just like a more bitter Kilkenny, but with the slight "extractiness":

One can Cooper's Real Ale
One can Coopers Canadian Blonde
Dry Windsor Ale yeast
Dry-hop primary with a couple of EKG plugs (20-30g?)
Ferment at 18 degrees for two weeks & raise to room temperature (24 degrees) for the last 12 hours.

Not bad, not bad at all...in fact I'm drinking a "Nottinghamed" version of it right now...Windsor again next time :chug:

Another kit to try is Munton's Yorkshire Bitter, it's probably a little too bitter but it's nice & kinda similar - I've heard good things about the Royal Oak Amber ale but I'm yet to try it.

I'm actually refining that Grumpy's recipe to suit my own taste ATM, a good starting point indeed (attempt #3 happens soon)

The recipe on Cooper's site that's supposed to be like Kilkenny isn't anywhere near it, though it's nice enough once the golden syrup mellows out.
Hi all,
I'm a new budding brewer, only done a couple of batches after getting a cooper's kit for xmas, and the misses let me buy bar fridge and upright 351ltr freezer and a temp controller to my suprise, all is good.. :D

But now i'm after a silmilar taste to either a kilkenny or boddington's
any idea's????

thanks in advance

Ring Brewmaker Home Brewing, Shop 5/ 560 North East Road Holden Hill, SA, 5088.
Telephone: 08 83693649.Ask for a Lone Piper 80/ Imhave just finished a keg of this, and my mates said it tasted like Kilkenny. I used wyeast 1728 and the gas I use is called cellarmix 40 from BOC.

Another kit to try is Munton's Yorkshire Bitter, it's probably a little too bitter but it's nice & kinda similar - I've heard good things about the Royal Oak Amber ale but I'm yet to try it.

Well I kegged up the Morgans Amber Ale on the weekend and the first taste is very promising considering it's only just finished gassing up. It needs another week to settle down but I'd say it's very similar. I just did the kit with a bag of Malt Plus mix from Brewcraft and I reckon if you threw in some fuggles then it would be just about spot on. Definitely worth a go.
thanks frazerpete

what amount of malt/dex/lactose did you use and what approx grams of fuggles would i use???

how would i go with the amount of sugar/dex carbonation for bottling???? not kegging just yet :(

what amount of malt/dex/lactose did you use and what approx grams of fuggles would i use???

It's a bit hard to tell because it's a pre-mixed pack but I'd guess that it's about 700g LDME + 300g Dex or thereabouts anyway. I'll probably use about 10-15g of fuggles on my next one and work from there.

how would i go with the amount of sugar/dex carbonation for bottling???? not kegging just yet :(

I'm probably not much help with this one because I jumped straight into kegs and missed the bottling bit (I'm lazy). However you certainly don't want to carb it as much as some other brews so I'd guess that you might reduce the amount of priming sugar a little bit. Anyone else got any ideas?
Ring Brewmaker Home Brewing, Shop 5/ 560 North East Road Holden Hill, SA, 5088.
Telephone: 08 83693649.Ask for a Lone Piper 80/ Imhave just finished a keg of this, and my mates said it tasted like Kilkenny. I used wyeast 1728 and the gas I use is called cellarmix 40 from BOC.

Where do u get your yeast from? Ive been into there a couple of times now and hes got the liquid yeast on the shelf -not in a fridge, same as the dried Saf yeasts. Not to mention the hops are on the shelf too.

Id buy from Bill all the time, but his lack of personal skills seem to put me off buying anything other than a can of goo every now and then. Its easier atm to get my stuff from Ross from Qld (and faster).....
.....However you certainly don't want to carb it as much as some other brews so I'd guess that you might reduce the amount of priming sugar a little bit. Anyone else got any ideas?

Last one like this that I bottled I used the same measure you'd use for priming sugar/dex but used LDME instead to lower the carbonation & also to make it all malt
how would i go with the amount of sugar/dex carbonation for bottling???? not kegging just yet :(


hey, when i first started i tried to make a boddingtons and also a guiness clone and if you are after that creamy head you will be disappointed, cause they use nitrogen gas in the taps to get the really small tight beads, as opposed to CO2 which is the only gas you can create using bottle conditioning.

my big mistake i made was overcarbonating to try and create a large head. when you over carbonate, it really brings out the bitter acrid flavours and actually reduces the creamy malt flavours. my advice would be no more than 6g of sugar per litre. and shut your eyes when you drink it whilst pretending its got a great creamy head!! :lol:
Where do u get your yeast from? Ive been into there a couple of times now and hes got the liquid yeast on the shelf -not in a fridge, same as the dried Saf yeasts. Not to mention the hops are on the shelf too.

Id buy from Bill all the time, but his lack of personal skills seem to put me off buying anything other than a can of goo every now and then. Its easier atm to get my stuff from Ross from Qld (and faster).....

I have been going to Bill for around 12 mnths now, and have found Bill and his assistant rather helpful. You may have caught him on a bad day? :) As for your yeast query, I get it from Bill as well. As a matter of fact I was in there on Friday and picked up some liquid Pilsner yeast. On evey occasion when I have bought liquid he has always retreived it from his fridge. I know, because it is cold. You have caught me a little off guard in regards to his attitude. Anyway I can put up with the accassional lack of personal skills if I can get a good product for a good price. I have tried the Grumpy's packs and they are excellent but their prices for their Masterbrews e.t.c are getting out of my reach.

cheers :beer:
Must be just me then :D He always seems a bit short on the convo for me personally...

I guess he must go get the liquid yeast out the back for those who know, as he has liquid yeast on the shelf in the back left corner where the hops are...:S

I agree with the grumpys pricing unfortunatly.
He always seems a bit short on the convo for me personally...
A quality I look for in HBS staff. I want to make a transaction and get out to brew, not waste 1/2 the morning.

BYB - have you used a whole bottle of N2 mix?
I've heard you don't get as many kegs from it because the N2 can't be compressed as much as the C02.
I'm keen to try it this winter though.
A quality I look for in HBS staff. I want to make a transaction and get out to brew, not waste 1/2 the morning.

BYB - have you used a whole bottle of N2 mix?
I've heard you don't get as many kegs from it because the N2 can't be compressed as much as the C02.
I'm keen to try it this winter though.

You know something, I was going to try and keep count of the amount of kegs I get with the mix gas but unfortunately I have been a bit slack. Lost count or forgot to. But you are right one does/will not get as many kegs out of a mix. All I am doing is keeping an eye on the gauge.I have been on the same cylinder for 5mths now.
IMHO once you have tried the mix on your english style ales you will like it. That is if you appreciate the "flat" type of taste that you get from beer like Kilkenny,Caffreys and so on. I have pommy mates who rave about the difference in taste from the mix to straight Co2.

hi guys,i made the other month a batch with the morgans rolling oak amber ale,morgans caramalt master blend and 500g of lager malt extract from blackfern and it tastes fantastic :beerbang: could do with a little more head retention but i aint complaining
The Mountmellick Irish Style Cream Ale is a similar style. I made it with 1 kg of light liq malt & 200 g corn syrup.. it's not bad.

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