Jarrah Jacks

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July 2006

I have recently started consulting for Jarrah Jacks in Pemberton who have good distribution in bottle shops. I would be most appreciative if you could send constructive feedback on Jarrah Jacks Beers. Please email me at [email protected] and if possible say where, what and when you purchased. So far I am happy with the product for first brews but are not that experience in bottling beer. The products definitely need refining and your feedback will help here.

All microbreweries appreciate constructive feedback and would recomend you do it to other microbreweries. If you cant email other WA microbreweries, feedback on WA microbreweries can also be sent to me and I will forward it on.

A mate - Dean "Dig" Mcleod (studied together at Ballarat) is brewer at Colonial (2006 AIBA champion small brewery) also uses this site "Randall the Enamel Animal". Stir him about not being able to balance a pint glass on his head. http://www.microbrewing.com.au/default.asp?ID=758130

If you're around Paddos in Mt Hawthorn this Friday (14th July) - they have a Mash brewery Promotion.

Friend of the Beer Gods
Hi Spesh
Just tried to get a few bottles sent over from IBS and they must have been out. Anyway I'll be looking out for it everywhere I go. Got several bootleg brewery beers instead on the way.

When I eventually get hold of some I'll be happy to forward my thoughts.

Boozed, broozed and broken boned.
Dam, not going to be able to make the Paddo on friday.
Went out to the Mash the first weekend it was opened, its a great place, beers are very good too. Had the pleasure of meeting the brewer Dan Turley, a really nice guy, he was happy to talk with us for more than an hour. :)
meeting the brewer Dan Turley, a really nice guy, he was happy to talk with us for more than an hour. :)
not related to the West Coast Eagles champion, Craig Turley is he?
I have recently started consulting for Jarrah Jacks in Pemberton who have good distribution in bottle shops. I would be most appreciative if you could send constructive feedback on Jarrah Jacks Beers. Please email me at [email protected] and if possible say where, what and when you purchased. So far I am happy with the product for first brews but are not that experience in bottling beer. The products definitely need refining and your feedback will help here.

A mate - Dean "Dig" Mcleod (studied together at Ballarat) is brewer at Colonial (2006 AIBA champion small brewery) also uses this site "Randall the Enamel Animal". Stir him about not being able to balance a pint glass on his head. http://www.microbrewing.com.au/default.asp?ID=758130

If you're around Paddos in Mt Hawthorn this Friday (14th July) - they have a Mash brewery Promotion.
Hi Spesh

I had one of the JJ Pale Ales a month or so ago, I can't really remember too much about it sorry or where I bought it from. I do remember and was pleasantly suprised to see it was bottle conditioned though, is it a yeast worth reculturing?

Paddos would be good but I am going to the country for the weekend :(
U been drinking again Ausdb your repeating yourself :ph34r: :lol:
U been drinking again Ausdb your repeating yourself :ph34r: :lol:

Shhhh BigAl thats a secret and it was only red wine too as I couldn't be assed going out to the shed to pour a pint :excl:
Actually its the shite iinet service, ahb still takes ages to load so I had refreshed the page and it went through twice.
Hi Spesh,
Was at the opening of WA Beer week at Clancy's Fish Pub a little while ago. My tasting notes from then.

Jarrah Jacks Honey Porter :- The sample I had was heavily Honey biased. There was the Porter taste in the background, but didn't have the complexity of a true Porter (or at least how I think Porter is meant to taste)

Just my 2c worth.
Haven't seen Jarrah Jacks in any of the Bottleshops. Where do we find it ?
Hi Spesh,
Was at the opening of WA Beer week at Clancy's Fish Pub a little while ago. My tasting notes from then.

Jarrah Jacks Honey Porter :- The sample I had was heavily Honey biased. There was the Porter taste in the background, but didn't have the complexity of a true Porter (or at least how I think Porter is meant to taste)

Just my 2c worth.
Haven't seen Jarrah Jacks in any of the Bottleshops. Where do we find it ?
Liquor Barons in Mt. Lawley stocks Jarrah Jacks beers. Not the honey Porter but 4 others.
Spesh im going to be passing through Pemberton in August. I'd like to drop in to JJ for a chat if your about.

I tried one a while back, it reminded me of little creatures. I was a bit scepticle at first about buying one but thought what the hell.
I'm not a big hop head, I prefere a malt dominated beer and a hint of hops but did like your JJ pale ale. Not something I would drink every day or week but the odd one or two every now and then would be great.
I give the thumbs up and prfered it over Little Creatures.
Bought a 6-pack of Pale Ale on Friday night.

A nice drop - I'll be buying it again, in fact both my wife and I preferred it to the 'control' samples of LC we had a day later.

Poured well - though I either shook the bottles or it was a little keen - with a light creamy head. (don't remember aroma - but do remember being impressed with it) Colour a lightish amber - slightly darker that LCs version IIRC. Sorry for the comparison, but (for me) its inevitable.

The flavour was really good. The malt flavour came through distinctly and seemed well balanced with the hops (compared to LCs). Hop was intriguing - and I would guess that there is more in there than just Cascasde, slightly earthy but very pleasant. Clean refreshing finish.

The only slightly negative comment I would make was that our old bottle opener had difficulty getting a grip on the crown 'cos they were pushed flat rather than having the protruding bits to grip onto. I'm not that wrapped with the graphics either, but I wouldn't sell up on that basis.

I'd like to try it on tap to see how a really fresh version would come out - are there any outlets in Perth? I'm sure it would sell well at Clancy's - even if it was just to me...

Nice work.

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