Apart from the soilless medium, you need to think about whether you will recycle the nutrient (generally for up to a week) or use a run-to-waste system.
You might have to get a couple of rhizomes to experiment with different media, too. I'd recommend a side-by-side trial between rockwool and a perlite (or perlite/vermiculite mix). You won't need a pump if you use a gravity feed run-to-waste sytem. Say, a 200 litre fermentor/pickle barrel with a tap and/or valve with dripppers around the hop rhizome. You can use a garden timer or open the valve manually. You can catch the runoff into a bucket/ tray and recycle the nutrient back into the tank, if you wanna go that way.
As mentioned before, you'll need to keep the root zone moist but not wet, so a free-draining system is a must.
I have numerous textbooks on hydroponics, and Yes! there are hydroponic hop farms. I found a website which mentions one in Armenia.
You can buy commercial dry nutrient mixes that will make up to 5000 litres (IIRC) for about $70. You make up a Part A concentrate and a Part B concentrate and add an amount of each to the water in the nutrient tank.
I owned a small/pilot hydroponic lettuce farm a while back, and studied hydroponics at TAFE.
If I can help, I'm happy to do so here or by pm. I'd like to see your hydro hops become a goer. I might even have a go myself.
Borret, got any spare rhizomes?