Right...Right...well sincerest apologies that my equipment is not up to snuff.

Of course, eventually and finances willing I will be purchasing something more suited to the task, as I've mentioned previously. And you're quite right, it is a cast iron corn grinder.

However, like most ingenuity-minded kiwis akin to myself who like to think-outside-the-box, it can be used to mill grains (it also says so in the description). I've had excellent results in the past and never had a stuck sparge. (I don't have a Brewmeister or grain father either, I made my mash pot from scratch. I hope this is permissible

When I utilize my current system I am fully aware my efficiency will be lower than what it would be should I have access to appropriate equipment. Yep, patreon is a great way to help fund your channel or whatever it is you're doing. But I've chosen a different route, I offer value through YouTube and several other platforms not just on brewing but a number of subjects. Viewers are free to watch my content without buying anything of course.
Ironically, the engagement I get with this thread helps push my content through SEO interaction with the Google
algorithm. And to say YouTube content flourishes on its own is all fine and dandy if your Mr. Beast or PewDiePie, but for us mere mortals its standard practice to add content to forums. Or perhaps I'm misinterpreting the analytics.

So, umm...yeah thanks for replying.