I bought my first airlock around 1971 or 1972, I had decided to make orange wine, around the same time my Uncle described to me this pumpkin rum that used to be made in the war years (more a pumpkin wine really) where one would cut the top off a qld blue pumpkin (odd term in state of origin times), scoop the seeds out, fill with brown sugar, then seal the top back on with candle wax, set aside and wait, well my wait resulted in an invasion of fruit fly and a stinking mess, made more so because as a 15 year old I had it hidden in a drawer in an old chest of draws I had in my "lab", the old kitchenette at the end of the verandah that had a sink and gas for my bunsen and no other use,,,the orange wine none the less was made, though I was only allowed to sip it ..probably should have put me off alc for life..unrelated I continued on in my virtually non drinking style even after I turned the magic 18, though it must be said that there were cheap and reasonable alternatives available at the time. Around 1977-1978 I had a bit to with homebrew but the product was, well crap, I wound up a home made "still" for "concentrating" cheap port to a clear blue light product (geerr I can still taste it), mucked with I think once only of the mid eighties coopers wort kits, did the kit bit on and off until around 2000 I met some AG guys..the rest is a bedtime brettanomyces story......