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This is pretty catchy too..


But if you like really technical stuff you may also dig this

More of a Punk person.....but not that emo goth ********. Proper get shitfaced at the pup punk
Mice and men - just got a weedeater CD which I listened to tonight - 16 tons.

Very recently into eyehategod (seeing them in a couple of weeks), buzz-o-ven and sourvein. Don't mind some 13 but the vox are often a bit BM for my liking (not a BM fan at all).

Like you I like heavy and I find slower **** is often heavier - I don't care for metal cliches like high sounding endless fast guitar solos that mean little musically to me and some metal vox (mostly BM, especially second wave and after) make me think of gollum with throat cancer. Some of the early **** is good though - sabbath, venom, bathory etc.

I'm more of a punk guy so the crossover with some genres of hardcore punk is where my metal preference lies - grind, crust, sludge. Less ****, more grit. Actually I'm more of a post punk and industrial/post industrial guy than any of this but sometimes you need to burst a head vein with some heavy guitar and bass.

Also a huge Melvins fan.
manticle, I'm a big eyehategod fan. Hell I just love all those southern member-swapping bands like corrosion of conformity, soylent green, down, crowbar, superjoint ritual. You might also enjoy an aussie band called pod people, and some american bands like sleep and jesu (don't flame me if you already know this), maybe even bongzilla or my ******* favourite IRON MONKEY (i know, technically not sludge.. but kickass all the same)



Oh, and ducati boy stu, I thought you were a belieber mate :D

edit: grandma
of mice and gods said:
Oh, and ducati boy stu, I thought you were a belieber mate :D
Between Bieber,One Direction and Guy Sebation, I have little room left for PIL, Ramones and Lemy.
I know sleep, bongzilla and corrosion of conformity (but only recently). Others are new to me.
manticle, check this out if you dig clean vocals


also, you might be interested in some bands my mates are listening to but i don't know much about like coffins, church of misery and conan.

and for something a little upbeat you cant beat scissorfight


and ducati boy, based on your favored bands, I'll meet you half way.. how's this?

Pantera doing Ozzy..

Satan just kicked a nun out of her habbit.
+1 to corrosion of conformity who consist of members from pantera, down and a few others I can't think of at the moment. I also get into slipknot, Murderdolls, Sepultura, Rammstein, Madball etc etc, can go on forever as I have a room just for my metal collectionB)
Bottlobill, I think you might be thinking of down, who (or previously did) consist of members from pantera, eyehategod, crowbar and corrosion of conformity. But that's just pedantics.. they are all good bands.

Corrosions album 'Deliverance' should be mandatory listening :)

and now I have a hankering for some Sep

True true! omg(easier to write) how about soulfly or nailbomb champ do you go much on them?
these cats are touring together in april, its going to be a corker


I'm not a huge fan of metal....more of a punk/hardcore guy....I don't know if you guys would consider this metal or not but there's a band called deafheaven I've been listening to lately...a wierd blend of death vocals and blast beats mixed with very melodic/ messy guitars. ...it's worth watching just to see the fanatical emo kid fans at the front.

Oh! And hi, I'm Matt

Watch "Deafheaven - Dream House @ Kings (Raleigh, NC) 06/29/13" on YouTube