On buying a place recently, it affords me the luxury of modifying my surrounds to suit my needs. I plan to make brewing as easy as possible, so that I can still brew as part of my routine and still pursue the other things which come into my fancy, I only have time and energy for one hobby, yet I am continually wooed by three or four which could all absorb me on their own. Home brewing is seriously rewarding in the way of nearly limitless scope as mentioned earlier, which is my primary attraction. It is like you go to school and it is chemistry, microbiology, maths, cookery, engineering, fabrication and then at the end you are rewarded with a delicious beer. I used to skip class to drink beer. Plus it is an iso-certified fact that brewers are generally top people. I think there is something to be said for the fact that because it is multidisciplinary, relatively bright people are drawn from multiple backgrounds but have mutual interests above and beyond sinking piss.
I also have two recurring styles I like to brew and drink: imperial IPA and English dark mild, the former is wonderful from the shops and I am well informed as to when to get what product based on freshness and is fingeringly expensive, the latter is basically just impossible to get. Homebrew to the rescue. I am drinking the first beer I have brewed in months and months now, I am not amazed at the results, but I would have been satisfied with a bottle of it for $8-15, but the difference is I have 60L or so for nix. Based on how I miss it when it is gone, I will do it for some time yet.