Home Brew Lessons

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BrewInn Barossa:~ Home to GMKenterprises ~
Reaction score

Just returned from the Lyndoch School Fund Raising Auction.
BrewInn Barossa donated a free Home Brew Lesson - winning bidder nominates the beer style and gets to keep the product.

Did this as i missed the teach a friend to home brew day earlier this year.

well - bidding was ferociuos with a local Lyndoch person bidding a huge $45.00 for the privledge of a Home Brew lesson with GMK - aka Grand Master Ken.

Feel very priveledged and vindicated.... :rolleyes:



PS: They included 2 Coopers Hats as well - not that that could influence anyone.

PPS: i would like to put my Flame Suit on now - but as the last one was destroyed in the poll - the new one is on back order...still to arrive....

Will keep u posted on starting another on the Home Brew journey...
top stuff, GMK ...

...what's that saying ???

to paraphrase: ...pour a man a brew and he drinks for an hour ... teach a man to brew -and it's his shout for the rest of your life ...

or words to that effect!!! ;) :chug:
Love it Jimmy....

Your Shout.... :lol:
Did you see who was the winning bidder GMK ?
I hope they don't want to brew a VB.

Hope it goes well.

top idea ken.sounds like you helped raise some good cash.a great way to get the uninitiated into homebrewing. ;)

big d
I just need to know if it was a phone bid Ken, I'm sure I bid $45.00.

Now the style I want help with is a Cadbury dark Chocolate stout. Not the roast Almond version though.

Well done Ken.
All the best, keep us posted.

chiller said:
I just need to know if it was a phone bid Ken, I'm sure I bid $45.00.

Now the style I want help with is a Cadbury dark Chocolate stout. Not the roast Almond version though.

Well done Ken.
All the best, keep us posted.


Nice one Steve.... :lol:
And would you like a new font with that sir? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good stuff Kenny , bet it becomes an annual sort after bid

OK - last years bidder on the home brew lesson has been done.

We timed it so taht his Partial IPA would be ready for his Birthday in late October.
By all accounts - there was nothing but praise for his Home brew on the night - and people drank his beer and left their commercial stuff behind.
Needless to say - he is now hooked and has the next partial IPA under way.

I persuaded Wolf to Donate one of his 2 bottles left to last nights Home brew Lesson ...

Bill from Brew Goliath kindly donated the Coopers IPA Can and the Masterbrew IPA bag to go with it.

Bidding finalised at 45.00 - from the man behind the bar - bought as a gift for his brother at Xmas who is getting his First Home Brew kit then as well.

So will let you guys know how it goes during next year....
OK - Monday Night was teh Auction for raising Money for the Tununda Show.
This was the first year we were asked to donate items for the auction.

Yours truly donated:
- six pack of ALL Grain Stubies 2 x Barley Wine, 2 x Trios Pistoles + 2 x Forbidden fruit - highest bid 20.00.

- Home Brew Lesson - they choose the beer taht want to make - come up to my place - we brew it - i ferment it and then they bottle it and walk away with 20 ltrs of Great Home Brew...a guy called Luke used the force and won the lesson for 45.00

All in all a good effort for the cause.
Weel - we did the lesson last Thursday..it is fermenting away in my fermentation room.

Nice day - Luke had a great time - will be back for the racking/dry hopping.

Making an American Cream K&B...
Well - i am now the convenor for the Tanunda Show - Home Brew section.

Luke works for Rockfords Wine which hosts the Tanunda Show Launch - now a member of the BBC after last years Home Brew Lesson.

This year at the Tanunda Show Auction I bought;
- Arrogant Bastard Ale 750ml
- Double Arrogant Bastard Ale 750ml
- Arrogant Bastard Ale Galss
- Stone Brewing Ruination IPA glass
All for 35.00. What a bargain.....

I volunteered another HomeBrew Lesson for the auction with the president of the Barossa Brewers Club aka GMK - minimum of $30.00 ingredients provided - your chioce of beer and style - partial or AG...

Went for 45.00...just cant seem to get my rate any higher :)

So - hopefully i am doing my bit still for the Homebrewing Fraternity....
good to see you doing your bit for homebrewers GMK, and bringing new people into the fold :) :beer: