Hi, from the Nations Capital

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I guess its fitting that a few mates and I always referred to it as Can-o-beer-a.
Imaginative, I know. But we also came up with Al-brewery for Albury, so its not the worst.

Anyway, I just realised that I've been a member (or more or a lurker) here since 15 Nov 2010, and didn't even realise. I just popped back in recent weeks as I'm getting to a point where I want to do a bit more with my brews.

I think I got my Coopers fermenter for my 21, a measley 11 years ago, and since than haven't really strayed from your basic tins.

The time has come for me to step up my game a little bit, but no TOO much. I don't really need yet *another* hobby that I'm pretty **** at.
So my aim is to start playing around with hops.
After a year working and living in NZ, I'm now back in the land of the sane, and I've taken a trip down to my local homebrew shop, and had a bit of a look around down there. Settled on a kit of golden ale and some liquid malt extract just to get my back into the mood. Skipping on the hops for this time, just to get back in the groove.

A few weeks ago, i ordered an STC-1000, and have since bent the hell out of my bar fridges freezer element so that my fermenter fits in nicely. And with any luck, my doorstep should shortly be accepting delivery of a heat pad and a small thermowell to complete the kit.

So bring on the improved beer!

Welcome! Hope to see you at the Canberra Brewers club sometime soon?

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