Help With A Recipe

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I had a look in the "Brewing Crafts" book which brewcraft sell for a Becks recipe

The ingredients are

Malt Shovel - Two Row Larger
Black Rock Light malt extract
25g Hallertau hopps
15g Saaz Hops

and using 2x Saflarger S-23

my problem is the section they had on the recipe itself was very broad spectrum

anyone on here know the best way I should make up this brew as i've never used extract before?????
Simple simon method:

Get yourself the biggest and cleanest stockpot you have:

Dump the light extract (Black Rock Light malt extract) in a pot with a few L of water (so its thin and no longer viscous) bring to the boil and add the hops, stir and turn off. YOu can boil for up to 15 mins this is just going to add bitterness which you dont really need as its in the MS tin. personally i would just add them at flameout and stir. i would be only using these hops for aroma purposes. Dump in the rest of your malt goo (Malt Shovel - Two Row Larger) in and stir.

Fill your laundry sink with water and ice (if you have it), dip your pot in it and stir the pot and the laundry water to chill it down to body temp.

once done. you can strain it to get the hops out (you dont need to, your beer will still be fine.) or dump it into the fermenter, topup with water to your desired gravity level. get the wort temp down as low as you can, preferrably between 8 and 13 degrees, pitch the yeast and ferment at that temperature. if you cannot ferment at lager temps id suggest using an ale yeast like US05.
