Heineken Drink-alike

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Hey all, I've done this one before [on my second brew, loved it!] amd have stepped it up some from what I did originally. Any ideas on improvements or anything before I throw it in the fermenter? The plan at the moment is to do the recipe as follows:

Wal's Lager can 1.7kg,
600g LDME,
200g Dextrose,
200g Maltodexron,
12g Tettnanger @ 10 minutes,
12g Tettnanger @ flameout.

The boil would be done with the LDME and 3 litres of water, with everything else thrown in at flame-out then crash-cooled before whacking in the fermenter [pre-filled to ~17L with water]. Yeast is Saflager.

Any recommendations for this brew? I've got some Cascade and Tettnanger hops in the freezer, some dex on hand [~300g], and 150g of Munich grain which i was thinking of including but not quite sure how...just whack the post-sparge liquid from it in at flameout with the rest of the goodies?

Cheers all - boingk
Got impatient, haha. Heres the recipe as it went into the fermenter:

Wal's Lager can 1.7kg,
600g LDME,
300g Dextrose,
200g Maltodexron,
150g Munich grain,
12g Tettnanger @ 15 minutes,
08g Tettnanger @ flameout.

OG 1.042

Boiled with the sugars and malt all together, and added the kit and sparge at the end. Crash cooled in a sink of cold water for 10 minutes then tipped into fermenter and topped to 23L.
What yeast are you using boingk?

It looks good!

Do you know if it will get that hint of tartness that nice fresh heineken has straight from the keg? I haven't figured out how to emulate that yet...
im a bit confused.

is it a light dry malt extract

or a liquid dark malt extract
Sorry, should have been clearer - its a light dry. A dark heineken would be a bit weird, haha! Interesting though....hmm....

I'm not sure how this batch will turn out, but it should be closer to the real thing than the last one. A side-by-side comparo with the real thing revealed very similar taste, body and carbonation, near identical brightness and colour. Only detracting point was a slight yeasty aftertaste which I'll try and eliminate this time by racking to secondary before bottling [didn't do that originally].

The yeast is S-23, nothing too special but it comes with the Wals cans so I'm not arguing. The LHBS guy told me while I was down there as I went for the commercial packet that I didn't really want to do it, as S-23 comes in the kits anyway. He said I could still buy it if I wanted, but it wouldn't make a difference! Looks like I've made it onto the 'regular' list down there...

I'll keep everyone posted with the results.

Cheers - boingk

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